Hello scouts!
It's been a busy summer, and now we're heading right back into the school year. I saw a bunch of you last night at Meet Your Teacher Day, and it sounds like the girls are excited about scouts getting going too!
Just a couple quick notes:
1) For the folks that registered for the Silverbrook/Green Corners Day Camp Sept. 13th: I'm finishing up our schedule, and ride assignments. I'll get that information out this weekend.
2) The last beach cleanup is Thursday 9/11 from 6:30-8:00 at Bay View Beach. I can't say enough good about the cleanup as a service project. It makes a difference, teaches the girls about helping out, is relaxing and refreshing, and comes with free dinner at the end. (Seriously--I can't think of a service thing I've done that I've enjoyed as much!) I'd really love to have a bunch of our girls show up. In August there were a couple Daisy Troops there, and they would have enjoyed seeing our girls there helping out too. Because soccer season started though, I'll be coaching soccer until 6:45, so I'll need someone to be the point person on the beach cleanup in September--can someone take that on?
3) September meeting. Not set yet. We'll have that schedule soon--I promise!
4) One more piece of September fun! You may have heard about Nickelodeon's "Day of Play" where they shut down programming and tell kids to "Get outside and play!" Girl Scouts has joined in on that initiative, and are running a free "Day of Play" at camp Alice Chester for Girl Scouts. Here are the details:
September 20, 2014 10:00 AM-02:00 PM
Alice Chester Center
East Troy, WI
Girl Scout Registration
Girlsports Day of Play
Grades K-12 and their families
GSWISE is hosting a Girlsports Day of Play in conjunction with Nickelodeon's 10th Annual Worldwide Day of Play. Enjoy various sports and games as you get active outdoors. Activities include: archery, tennis, soccer, hula hooping, blow-up obstacle course, bean bag toss, hiking and more. Water and a snack will be available. You may bring your own picnic lunch. All for FREE!!
You can register at ebiz here: https://gsusa.ebiz.uapps.net/vp/Home.aspx just search for "Day of Play" after clicking on the "Activities" tab. If your scout needs a ride, let me know and we'll arrange that too!
5) Have you registered yet? Some of you haven't! If you were a scout last year, you can renew your membership online at https://gsusa.ebiz.uapps.net/vp/Home.aspx . If you're new to the troop this year, and haven't registered yet, I'll send a form home through school on Tuesday.
6) Events for the year! We're also working on the schedule for the year. If you have ideas of things you think the scouts would like to do this year, let me know. I've already heard some great ideas from parents that we'll build into this year's calendar. You know what your girls like to do, and I want to make sure we have activities that will engage and enrich all the girls in our troop!
I think that's it for the moment. I'm sure I forgot something--but it'll probably last through the weekend. See you soon, and Happy Scouting!