Thursday, December 29, 2016

Girl Scouts: Scouting never stops!

Hi everyone!

Just a few updates to kick off 2017 and wrap up 2016:

1)  January Meeting sign up!  We're starting a whole new badge and re-visiting the details for our Bronze Project in spring, the Bike Safety Clinic.  The letters the girls wrote are all typed up, now every girl will get one, and we'll all sign them and start to try to get some of the materials and set up the meetings to get everything we need for the event. 

2)  Speaking of the Bronze Award Bike Safety Clinic, in case your scout didn't tell you: we have a date!  The Village of Greendale, along with the Greendale Education Foundation have offered us the use of downtown Broad Street from 4:00-8:00 on June 9th.  (And before hand to get all set up!) We'll have our clinic in conjunction with the GEF's "First Day of Summer" event in Downtown Greendale that day.  There'll be vendors, and an outdoor movie that night, so there'll be a good draw for community members!

3)  Here's who I have signed up for the UWM Women's Basketball Girl Scout Game December 31st:  

Jesialis P. (3)
Lara E. (3) 
Dea S. (3)
Kendra P. (4) 
Bryn R. (3) 

The tickets will be at Will Call (along with patches and food vouchers) under Jen Richards' name.  I could maybe still add someone if you want to go, but I would have to know right away!

That's about all for the moment!  See you next year!


Monday, December 19, 2016

Girl Scouts: P.S. College Park Attendance for Wednesday

Hi everyone,

One more little bit.  We have our College Park Meeting on Wednesday, and here's who I have listed for attendance.  Am I missing anyone?

Maya H
Megha M
Hannah S
Lauren P
Bailee A
Jesialis P
Madison M
Lara E
Ashlee F
Dea S
Sophia V
Esabella K

See you Wendesday!


Girl Scouts: Cookie Kick Off Party 2017!

Hi everyone!

It's almost that time again--cookie time!

And, as we've done for the last few years, we're holding the Greendale Girl Scouts Cookie Kick Off Party at Highland View!

It's January 11th, 2017, and for those of you new to the troop, it's a night of fun, and cookies, and games, and cookies, and prizes, and cookies.  The girls always enjoy it a lot, and gets them ready for Girl Scout Cookie Time.

This year the girls are old enough to help out too, and I'm hoping to have girls help staff the various stations throughout the night.  The sign up link is below.  There's no charge, but please have your scout sign up to help with the event for a short shift during the night.

Thanks so much!  Sign up here:

Have a great night and stay warm!


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Girl Scouts: Highland View Attendance 12/14

Hi everyone!

Here's who I have down for our meeting this afternoon, am I missing anyone? 

Ellen W.
Mahi P.
Portia P.
Thalia D.
Elytze D.
Kendra P.
Hannah P.
Isabel S.
Lia S.
Evie S.

See you this afternoon!


Saturday, December 10, 2016

Girl Scouts: Meeting Recap and More!

Hi everyone!

Just a couple quick notes from last week and for next week:

1)  We had a great meeting!  We made something for our families, something for ourselves, something for outside the house, and something to share (maybe?)  

To wrap up the year we did a bunch of activities and tied them in to our Girl Scout Laws.  To make the world a better place, and to be considerate and caring, we made strings of popcorn, cereal and cranberries for the birds and animals outside in wintertime.  To be friendly and helpful we made colonial-era air-fresheners from cloves and oranges.  To wrap up our Health and Fitness badge, we made some very healthy "Rainbow Soup" where each girl got to pick her own ingredients--I expect to hear how they tasted when we get back together again in January! Finally, we decorated three cookies, and got to decide if we were sharing them (friendly and helpful!) or not....

2)  For the girls (and parents, you can help!) going to the mandatory Washington DC trip meetings the next two Tuesdays, here's a little homework!  The girls' job, while the parents are going over safety guidelines, and filling in health cards, etc., will be to put together the itinerary for what to do when we're on the trip and pick out which area each girl will become an "expert" in. Between now and then, f you could have your scout get some ideas of things to do or places to go in Washington DC, that would be great.  The group meeting on the 13th will set the itinerary for the first half of the trip, and the group meeting on the 20th will set the second half.  

For each area or location we visit, we should have at least one girl dedicated to being an "expert" on that location.  They don't need to be an expert before the meetings these next two weeks, but the experts at each area should set to work becoming an expert ASAP, because some of the areas need us to reserve tickets/space very early and:

Experts will be in charge of:
1)  Knowing what we need to do to go to that site:
Do we need tickets?
If so, when and how do we get them?
Know directions for the trip.
How much does it cost?
How long will we need there?
What physical restrictions will we have to take into account? (For example, there are a lot of stairs in the Washington Munument.)
                How will we get there from our hotel?
2)  Teaching the rest of us noteworthy things about that site:
Important exhibits?
History of the site (if it's a monument, or memorial for example.)
Why this site is important to our nation.
Connections to girls and Girl Scouts.

Thanks so much everyone, see you soon!


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Girl Scouts: Three December Things to Remember

Hi everyone!

Just a couple quick December notes:

1)  Our first December Highland View meeting is tomorrow.  Here's who I have signed up.  Please make sure your teacher knows if your scout is going to the meeting after school instead of your regular dismissal (pick up, bus, walk, etc.)

5th Grade Highland View
Samantha S.
Lia S.
Kahlen W.
Makenzie S.
Alyssa S.

4th Grade Highland View
Eva M.
Elena E.
Quinn S.
Alison D.

Other Schools:
Adrhia F-M.
Teagan A.
Katie B.

2)  Just a quick reminder to sign up for one of the mandatory Washington DC Trip Meetings 12/13 or 12/20 if you/your scout was interested in going. If some of our new 4th Grade scouts are interested in going to Washington DC, please let me know.  Girl Scout rules require scouts to be finished with 5th grade for out-of-state trips, so we'll put something together for those scouts next year when they wrap up 5th grade!  (We'll even make sure any cookie money from cookies they sell this year goes to their trip, to make sure everything is fair and square!)

Here's the page for the meeting sign up:

3)  Milwaukee Wave Scout Night event:  If your scout was in the sleepover, and didn't get a Wave Hat or Wave Scout Night Patch, please let me know.  I did get some extras from the Wave so we can make sure everyone got theirs! 

Bonus #4)   Basketball!  Is anyone else interested in the 12/31 UWM Women's basketball game Girl Scout Game?  Details and sign up here: I'm kind of excited that during the time we were working on our "Sports and Fitness" badge, we had 3-4 great Girl Scout opportunities with local sports teams.  (UWM Soccer, UWM Volleyball, UWM Basketball, and the Wave!)

Bonus #5)  Nursing Home Trip change!  December 15th is the Highland View Winter Concert, and I think almost everyone signed up is from Highland View, as is Ms. Kelly, who's setting that trip up.  So, it is with heavy heart that we have to cancel that date for this year.  (At least it's not canceled because of a major flu epidemic wreaking havoc like 2 years ago!)  

Bonus #6)  Nut money:  I'm terrible, and I haven't turned my Nut Money in to Ms. Kelly yet.  If you're on the same timeline that I am, please (Please!) bring your money to the meeting tomorrow (Wednesday 12/7) and we'll get it to her right there!

Thanks so much everyone, and keep scouting!
