Friday, August 28, 2020

Girl Scouts: Art Party and Campout

Hi everyone!

Just a quick update and some info I need from you:

1)  Art Party for Equality and Fairness.  I've worked my way through the twisted labyrinth of who's actually organizing the Art event on Sept. 19th, and it's looking good for us to join in.  I haven't received an official "Yes" but it's looking good enough for me to suggest saving the date Saturday Sept. 19th from 11:30-1:00 to host our art event at the Gazebo alongside the PAGE BLM art event.

2)  Campout!  I mentioned saving the date before, and it's 2 weeks out, so it's time to get the details on who's coming when!  First the camp details:

*There's no pressure to come, so don't feel like it's a requirement or feel bad if you decide not to join in.  It will be fun though!  We'll do camp cooking, archery, axe throwing, have a "Magical Beasts" scavenger hunt around the lake, fishing (catch and release), prep work for the Art event, and if you have ideas, share them and we'll do them if we can!

*We have reserved the group of 2-person cabins on the south side of camp by the new archery field, and by the games field.  What this means is that sleepover scouts can stay nicely separated from other scouts to avoid COVID spreading.  There are enough cabins that everyone could have their own, or if a parent is sleeping over, they can bunk up with their scout.  The cabins are large enough too, that if parents OK it, sleepers would maintain enough space between beds to have 2 scouts share a cabin.  I understand some campers would be anxious about sleeping alone in a cabin in the woods, away from home.  That decision would be up to parents, and both scouts parents would have to agree for the scouts to share a cabin.

*Sleeping over is not required.  Scouts could come up Saturday morning, and leave Saturday night, no pressure.  Scouts who do want to stay at camp overnight have the option of staying up Friday, Saturday, or both nights.

*As implied before, if a parent is a registered Girl Scout Volunteer, and has completed the background check, they're welcome to join us as well.  There's still time to complete that if you want! 

*Unfortunately, unless your scout has already been comingling with Evie in the last couple weeks, I can't carpool scouts to Silverbrook.  Out in the open air of camp where the kids can spread out, and are masked up, transmission is unlikely, but trapped in a close van for 45 minutes is a different story--masks or not.


Who's coming to camp, and when?  I will send out the relevant permission slips when I know who's coming.

Thanks!  And see you soon!


Sunday, August 23, 2020

Girl Scouts: Good News, and Bad News that MAY BE Good News

Hi everyone!

A few updates about our community art event.

First, good news:  The Greendale Health Department is OK with us doing it as a community event, and will even donate as many masks to decorate as we want!

Second, the bad news that MIGHT BE good news:  Someone stole our idea.  PAGE and Kitsche Coo are doing a community art event for diversity and fairness on September 19th from 11:30-1:00 with just a single art project (participants will be given a canvas with the fist symbol sketched on to paint.)  However, when I saw it on Facebook this evening I emailed them, and asked if we can just add our event to theirs.  If they say yes, it'll actually make our lives a lot easier.  It'll also be the week after the campout, so we can do some planning and preparation at the campout. I'll let you know what they have to say.

Keep your fingers crossed, and if you know someone at Kitsche Coo, feel free to let them know how excited we would be to add mask, yard sign making, rock painting, and coloring pages to expand the community art event to be more family-inclusive.

Aleks Skibicki 

Friday, August 7, 2020

Girl Scouts for next year: Make sure you take care of this!


Remember when I was pestering everyone about letting me know if they were continuing on next year?  If you replied to me, then I got you registered "early bird" and your scout will qualify for a t-shirt and patch.  (I'm not sure what either one look like, off the top of my head though.)

You do have to go in and choose a size though.  You ought to have received the email I included below from Girl Scouts, but if not, here it is.  Just go to the link highlighted in the message and fill in all the appropriate info.


(Forwarded message below.)

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Friday, August 7, 2020, 03:41:40 PM CDT
Subject: Don't forget your Girl Scout's Free T-Shirt and Patch!

Welcome back to another year of Girl Scout fun!
Welcome to Girl Scouts,

We are excited that you have signed up for another year of Girl Scouting! We can't wait to see what you accomplish this year. For your free early registration t-shirt please follow this link to select your t-shirt size and pick up location.You have also qualified for a free patch which can be picked up with your t-shirt. Your order needs to be completed by Wednesday August 12 by the end of the day. This will be the last day to select your Girl Scouts t-shirt size and pick-up location as we will not be taking any new orders after August 12. 

 Thank you and have a great Girl Scout year!
Have a question? Don't be shy!
Contact us for more information.

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Our address is 131 South 69th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53214

© 2020 Girl Scouts of the United States of America. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Just a quick reminder to join in the Art Party Progress Meeting at 4:00 Monday!

Hi everyone,

There's been some progress on the art party planning, so we'll be zooming today to update and adjust plans based on what happened so far.

Here's the info again:

Aleks Skibicki is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Girl Scout Troop 8035
Time: Aug 3, 2020 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 750 6990 1863
Passcode: T3rCdD