Thursday, October 29, 2020

Girl Scouts: Meeting recap--some great ideas!

Hi everyone,

Here's the quick recap of the ideas the girls came up with, what they decided we should do, and who's in charge of getting things started.

First there were two "business" items:

1)  Nut sale--you have until Friday to enter paper orders in your online account yourself, or until Monday to get the card info to me to enter for you.  Online people can order through Monday as well.

2)  Service Area activities--The Greendale/Greenfield/Hales Corners area asked for input on ideas for things the scouts in that zone could do as a group.  From the list of ideas the girls thought that a zone-wide Litter Clean Up Challenge, drive in movie night, online craft teaching webseries/channel, or online mask fashion show would all be fun things for a large group of scouts to collaborate on together.

Moving on to ideas for just our troop.  Here's our brainstorming, and that'll be followed by the ideas the girls picked out from the brainstorm to actually pursue:

All ideas:
1)  Write thank you letters to frontline workers
2)  Rake yards/help community members that need it like "clean and green" in GMS
3)  Winter campout (possibly connected to another activity like tubing, ice skating, or horseback riding.
4)  Ice skating locally
5)  Doing craft kits together but online (so we each get a kit to do, and we all go online at the same time to do it.)
6)  Cooking challenge or each cooking something to share with the others.

Final three:
1)  Winter Campout--Late January/February so there's snow and ice for us to have fun with.  Include other activity (activities) like ice skating or tubing.
2)  Ice skating locally
3)  Raking yards/community clean up for people that need help
3b)  Write thank you letters to front line workers.

1)  Eva:  Contact Mrs. Fonte and Burish to see how they found people to help for Clean and Green
2)  Katie:  research local ice skating opportunities and see if they are open during COVID, and are taking appropriate COVID precautions.  (Starter list:  Eble, Wilson Park, Pettit, Pleasant Prairie RecPlex)
3)  Quinn:  Find some good front ine workers to write letters to.
4)  Evie/Ellen:  Will do more jobs around the campout as it approaches.
5)  EVERYONE:  Send any blackout dates that you will be UNAVAILABLE during January/February so we can schedule a campout when everyone can go.


Girls asked for the penpal link for seniors again so here it is:

These are some fun ideas!  I look forward to seeing how the girls make them happen!


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Reminder: Girl Scouts: Our "What to do next?" meeting is WEDNESDAY 7:30PM

Just a reminder!  (Link information below.)

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Aleks Skibicki <>
To: Aleks Skibicki <>
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2020, 09:18:01 PM CDT
Subject: Girl Scouts: Our "What to do next?" meeting is WEDNESDAY 7:30PM


It sounds like 7:30 WEDNESDAY is the day to do it!  So start thinking of things we can do as a troop so you arrive to the meeting with ideas to brainstorm and discuss.

Anything is on the table--if you have the idea, and the willingness to do the work involved, then we will do it!

Here's the meeting info:

Aleks Skibicki is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Girl Scouts:  What's Next?
Time: Oct 28, 2020 07:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 748 5133 1802
Passcode: Rp3SAM

See you there!


Monday, October 26, 2020

Also: 9th Grade scouts: check this out!

If you're in 9-12th grade, check this out:

MIT students run hundreds of online classes the weekend of November 14-15, ranging from theoretical physics, to the science of Minecraft, to the mathematics of Pokemon, to learning Chinese, to learning to play chess, and just everything in between.  

I just learned about it today, and the registration lottery ends tomorrow from what I can see, so there's not much time, but if you're available that weekend, you really do want to check it out.


Girl Scouts: Our "What to do next?" meeting is WEDNESDAY 7:30PM


It sounds like 7:30 WEDNESDAY is the day to do it!  So start thinking of things we can do as a troop so you arrive to the meeting with ideas to brainstorm and discuss.

Anything is on the table--if you have the idea, and the willingness to do the work involved, then we will do it!

Here's the meeting info:

Aleks Skibicki is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Girl Scouts:  What's Next?
Time: Oct 28, 2020 07:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 748 5133 1802
Passcode: Rp3SAM

See you there!


Sunday, October 25, 2020

Girl Scouts: If anyone was taking notes--No meeting tonight

Hi again,

I just realized I hadn't updated about the possibility of a meeting tonight.  Unfortunately, once again, only a couple girls could have attended, so it didn't make sense to have a meeting tonight (Sunday.)

We'll try next week.  One option is later in the evening.  What days would a 7:30PM meeting work for anyone?  (Please everyone let me know your availability!)

There are a ton of things we could try doing, and I know you girls have some ideas--anything's on the table--and I can't wait to hear what they are!


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Girl Scouts: Feedback from your teachers--read it to feel better!

Need a pick-me-up?  Here's what some of your teachers had to say about your art party project.  (If you didn't tell me who your teachers are yet, then I haven't sent it to them, but definitely still can!)

Mrs. Wojtkowski:

This is not surprising! :) All of those girls are amazing students and people, and Greendale is lucky to have them.  Bravo to Quinn, Evie, Colette, Carrie, Katie, Ellen, and Eva!!  Very impressive.

Mrs. Hulett:

Wow - I am both impressed and inspired by their work and actions. Thank you for letting us know this - on this dreary weather day during this sometimes dreary time, it does help so much to hear how youth continue to show us how to live and remind us what matters. I am only saddened to hear that there were any detractors. I simply don't get that.

Much appreciation for your message today.

Mrs. Siegrist-Ragan:

Thank you so much for sharing this WONDERFUL work!  I am so proud of the girls!  Their inspirational  community outreach warms my heart, and makes me hopeful!

Mrs. Brown:

This is AMAZING!!! Thank you for sharing!!

Monday, October 19, 2020

Girl Scouts: October Brainstorm Meeting--Not Tuesday. Maybe Sunday?

Hi everyone!

I only heard back from two scouts regarding a possible meeting on Tuesday to get ideas for what to do next, and one of those two said she couldn't make it.

So, we'll skip Tuesday.  How is Sunday evening? 

Also:  looking for something helpful, kind, considerate, and friendly to do in your spare time?  Become a pen pal to a senior living in a senior home.  A lot of these folks aren't allowed to even see their family very much, and COVID has made their lives incredibly difficult.  If you go to this website, they'll connect you to a senior and you can absolutely brighten their life.  They'll even print and deliver your letter for you so no need for a stamp or anything.  Just write a note and you're set!

You are required to be 13 years old, and I'm not sure when your birthdays are, but I figure most of you should be there?


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Girl Scouts: Lots going on--October update!

Hi everyone!

After a kind of bonkers September--we did both the Campout, and the Art Party for Equality--we had a little break there, but we should probably get back to some scouting!

First:  Thanks again to all the girls that were involved in the Art Party--whether it was in the planning meetings or making flyers, or working at the event, or all of the above, you definitely did a good thing.  I've attached a sample letter to your teachers, or anyone else you want--and I'll be happy to send it to anyone you think would be impressed by your work--you deserve it!

Second:  What next?  I'd like to schedule a Zoom meeting in the near future so the girls can talk about something to do next.  It can be a troop activity, a badge to work on, a service project, a Girl Scout Activity, or anything under the sun.  So start thinking of ideas!  WOULD TUESDAY 10/20 AT 7:00 BE A GOOD TIME FOR AN ONLINE "WHAT TO DO NEXT" MEETING?

Third:  Speaking of things to do, this weekend is Wisconsin Science Festival!  There are a ton of activities going on around the state, but most are able to be attended virtually, and I bet there are some things the girls would find fun.  Take a moment, and browse the site here:  and see if there's anything you'd like to do!  If you sign up and do any of the events, let me know--I for sure have some science-y patches floating around that I could send your way!

Fourth:  Nut Sale--All of you SHOULD have received Nut Sale information in the mail.  If you can participate, that would be great.  Things like the campout and annual registrations come from Nut and Cookie Sale money, along with a portion of the cost of supplies for girl projects like the Art Party.  Plus, they make great gifts!

That's all for now!
