Thursday, March 11, 2021

Cookie Order Pick ups


I'm still waiting to hear from a couple people about picking up their cookie orders. If you haven't picked them up yet, please let me know when you can!

Thanks so much!


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Cookie Booth Saturday?


Evie got us permission to have a cookie booth in front of the library on Saturday from 10-2:00. 

Is anyone interested in joining in?  We only have room for 3 other girls, and don't know what sales will be like at all. 

Speaking of booths:  Since we can't do Pick n Save booths this year, Scouts us encouraging us to set up "Pop Up" booths wherever we get the inspiration. If you have an idea and can get permission, let me know and we'll make it happen!


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On Monday, February 22, 2021, 10:28 AM, Aleks Skibicki <> wrote:

Hi everyone!

Since we're all getting out early on Wednesday because of the assembly, who would be up for a Girl Scout Ice Skating time at Red Arrow Park downtown?  Thanks to Katie for discovering the opportunity and researching Ice Skating opportunities in our area.  Unfortunately Wilson Park Ice Skating (where we've gone before) is still closed due to COVID.

I reserved a time slot from 11:20-12:20 AM.  We were limited to a group headcount of 8 participants, so I locked that in right away.  If you want to go, please let me know ASAP so I can make sure that's room for everyone.  

You can bring your own skates, or rent skates there.  If you need to rent skates, the troop will cover the cost.

Would anyone need a ride?  
