Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Face Painting this Friday

Hi everyone!

Just a quick reminder about face painting this Friday 3-7 at downtown Greendale. 

Food's on me! 

See you Friday,


On Monday, May 20, 2024, 10:25 PM, Aleks Skibicki <kwaterk1978@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi everyone,

A few quick notes:

#1)  I bought Girl Scout graduation cords for the seniors (Ellen, Ava, Evie, Katie) let me know the best way to get them to you!  (And Juniors, I'll make sure to get them for you next year too!)

#2)  One more for the Juniors:  The deadline to apply for the GSWISE Board of Directors was extended to May 27th.  It's a pretty big opportunity, with the chance to make some amazing connections with leaders (C-suite level!) of major Milwaukee companies, as well as within Girl Scouts.  Obviously I will 100% enthusiastically recommend any of you that apply.   You can check out the link here:  https://gswise.jotform.com/241077097349868 If you do choose to apply, please let me know about writing your letter of support at least a day before the 27th though :)

#3)  Traditionally (since we're the ones that started the event 8 years ago) our Girl Scout troop volunteers doing stuff at the School's Out Event in Greendale June 7th, 3PM-7PM.  I've kept the face-painting booth open for you again.  If you're available for one last run, please let me know if you can paint a bunch of kids faces that night again!


Monday, May 20, 2024

Girl Scouts: Stuff for Seniors, and Stuff for Everyone!

Hi everyone,

A few quick notes:

#1)  I bought Girl Scout graduation cords for the seniors (Ellen, Ava, Evie, Katie) let me know the best way to get them to you!  (And Juniors, I'll make sure to get them for you next year too!)

#2)  One more for the Juniors:  The deadline to apply for the GSWISE Board of Directors was extended to May 27th.  It's a pretty big opportunity, with the chance to make some amazing connections with leaders (C-suite level!) of major Milwaukee companies, as well as within Girl Scouts.  Obviously I will 100% enthusiastically recommend any of you that apply.   You can check out the link here:  https://gswise.jotform.com/241077097349868 If you do choose to apply, please let me know about writing your letter of support at least a day before the 27th though :)

#3)  Traditionally (since we're the ones that started the event 8 years ago) our Girl Scout troop volunteers doing stuff at the School's Out Event in Greendale June 7th, 3PM-7PM.  I've kept the face-painting booth open for you again.  If you're available for one last run, please let me know if you can paint a bunch of kids faces that night again!
