Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Girl Scouts: Wednesday Meeting recap


For the Wednesday meeting scout families, this is a long one, but worth the read--I promise!

What a great meeting time today.  Our Wednesday crew wrapped up their Girl Scout Story journey that we've been working on for a few months now.

We started today with a little fun, and continued our "be our own heroes" theme by playing character charades.  Some of our girls are really good at charades!  And a lot of our girls need to watch Mulan!  After our friends from other schools got here, we continued the fun by designing our perfect cookie flavors.  Each girl picked ingredients she thought would make good cookie flavors from an assortment of choices (raisins, dried cranberries, blueberries, chocolate chips, jellybeans, caramel chips, butterscotch, marshmallows, coconut, mint chips, etc.)  After making a first "draft" they got to try again and refine their recipe until it was just right.  Honestly, some of the girls came up with some amazing recipes!

After that we got back to our action project--helping kids make healthy choices at lunch.  I let the girls know that they got permission for their idea to put up posters in the lunchroom/gym encouraging kids to "Try it, you might like it!" So we all made posters with that message.  Expect to see them up in the lunchroom soon!

Next, since the sample day coming up in March will be kale chips, we gave the girls a chance to be a leader and try them first.  Every girl got a chance to try some kale chips made just the way the school will.  Almost all the girls liked them!  Some girls took 4-5 helpings!  The girls promised to do their best to be leaders and encourage everyone to try the kale chips when they're offered as samples next month.

Finally, we took a moment and reflected on what we learned and how we grew over the course of this girl scout journey.  I thought I'd share some of the girls' messages with you. 

"I learned that it doesn't matter how old I am.  I can change, and I can help people make right choices."
"This journey helped me to be a leader and stand out.  It doesn't matter if you are a girl or a boy.  Girls can do anything boys can do."
"I learned to know how to be good at storytelling and to learn about people.  I learned I could be part of stories and help people like a story hero."
"I learned about what I can do in the world and that I can make a difference even though I am 10.  I can create something that can help a problem in the world, in the city, or in the school.  I can make a difference."
"What I learned on my Girl Scout journey, I learned to work together when you're making something, like a play.  I also learned that you have to use your imagination to make a good story and you have to not doubt yourself and you have to be creative."

In summary, here's the path our journey took:

We started by listening to stories from other cultures and learning how different cultures and people through time and around the globe have used stories to teach lessons and pass along knowledge. 
We moved on to thinking about ourselves as characters in the story of our lives, and thinking about how we face challenges and situations in the world, in our community in our schools, and in our homes just like storybook characters do.
From there we spent time choosing a problem that as a group we could take action on and make a difference with.  We chose to work on helping students at our school make healthy eating choices.  We invited the Greendale Scho District food services director and consultant in to talk with us about how the lunch menus are created and what thoughts have to go into the food on our plates.  We learned that we have to consider cost, the season, and even the colors of the food that's served!  Then our Wednesday group put together a menu that the school district is actually going to use on March 5th!  We figured that if other kids know the menu was created by kids just like them, they'll be more likely to try it.
Finally, today, we got permission and made the posters that will be displayed in the lunch room, and reflected on everything we had learned along the way.

It was quite a journey!


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