Monday, June 15, 2015

Girl Scouts: First summer activity, the campout!

Hi everyone!

The campout's almost here, so I have some information on the schedule, and a sign up genius page for anyone to help bring supplies.

The girls voted to have a "Medieval Madness" theme, so you'll see a lot of that in the activities.  If you have some other ideas, I can still try to add them in too.  So, on we move to the schedules:

There are actually 2 schedules.  First we have:

Schedule 1
(The schedule if we can't find any more parent helpers.)

Friday 4:00-10:00
Try to keep the girls in order.  Try to have some dinner at some point.  Try to manage to keep anyone from getting hurt.
Saturday All Day
Try to keep the girls in order.  Try to have some breakfast/lunch/dinner at some point.  Try to manage to keep anyone from getting hurt.
Sunday 8:00-10:00
Try to keep the girls in order.  Try to have some breakfast at some point.  Try to manage to keep anyone from getting hurt.

OR, there's schedule 2
(The schedule if we can get more help.)

4:00-5:00 Check in, put stuff away
5:00-6:00 Outdoor games
    Medieval Relays
    Lawn Bowling
    Hammer throw 
    Caber toss 
    Sheep toss
6:00-7:00  Fashion Show (by groups)
    Design armor w/cardboard and duct tape
    Decorate with markers and stickers
    Design a dress with cloth and ribbons
7:00-8:00  Dinner 
    Fire roasted smoked turkey legs, hot dogs, and veggies, marshmallows and Thanks-a-Lot s'mores
8:00-9:00 Clean Up, come inside
9:00-10:00  Indoor catapults and castles grand tournament, karaoke
10:00-11:00  Build telescopes, Paint nails
11:00 Midnight hike, bring telescopes to check out the sky
12:00 Go to bed!

7:00-8:00 Wake up, get up
8:00-9:00 Breakfast
        Pancakes, bacon, eggs, fruit
        Juice, Milk
9:00-10:00 Clean up, meet Saturday campers
10:00-11:00 2 Groups:
    1)  Archery
    2)  Needlepoint
    Switch groups
12:00-1:00 Fairy hike, get materials to make fairy houses
    Also picnic lunch
1:00-2:00 Make fairy houses, and place in the woods
2:00-3:00 Learn about falconry & paint birdhouses
3:00-4:00 Medieval Dance 
4:00-5:00 Make spoon marshmallow catapults, demonstrate 8-foot trebuchet, launch water balloons down the tobaggan hill
5:00  Friday overnight campers go home
5:00-6:00 Outdoor games
     Medieval Relays
    Lawn Bowling
     Hammer throw 
    Caber toss 
    Sheep toss 
6:00-7:00  Fashion Show (by groups)
    Design armor w/cardboard and duct tape
    Decorate with markers and stickers
    Design a dress with cloth and ribbons
7:00-8:00  Dinner  
    Fire roasted smoked turkey legs, hot dogs, and veggies, marshmallows and Thanks-a-Lot s'mores
8:00-9:00 Clean Up, come inside
9:00-10:00  Indoor castles and catapults grand tournament, karaoke
10:00-11:00  Build telescopes, Paint nails
11:00 Midnight hike, bring telescopes to check out the sky
12:00 Go to bed!

7:00-8:00 Wake up, get up
8:00-9:00 Breakfast
    Pancakes, bacon, eggs, fruit, Juice, Milk
9:00-10:00 Clean up, go home!  (Probably take a nap!)

(I like schedule 2 much better!)

So, that's a lot of fun stuff.  I've included spots in the Sign Up Genius page for parent helpers at different times if you couldn't chaperone for a whole overnighter, but still wanted to join in the fun.

Speaking of the supplies sign up genius list, here it is:

And you can still sign up a scout for the campout, or a parent to chaperone for an overnight here:

Thanks!  It should be awesome!


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