Hi everyone!
What a great time today! We mixed up a lot of learning and fun together! We played some games (the girls seemed to have fun "Waggle Dancing" like bees to help search for flowers) and did some science and did some art!
Because of time, the girls generally didn't get a chance to finish up their Gloria O'Keefe inspired artworks. So if they want to check out her art online (like they saw at the Art Museum on their field trip) a good site is: http://www.art.com/gallery/id--a514-b1915/georgia-o-keeffe-flowers-posters.htm it's an art poster site, but they have a good collection of her works. The things we focused on for the girls were: 1) Make the flower LARGE. Have the petals touch the edges of the paper. This lets them get to: 2) Add DETAILS. We learned about flower parts last month, so the girls knew that flowers aren't just petals with a yellow lump in the middle. So they used 3) OBSERVATION to look carefully at the flower before drawing it so they were actually drawing the flower that was in front of them, and not just what they thought a flower "ought to" look like. We used lillies for our flower models, and if they need, a good picture to study is: http://dw3pv02xd90jb.cloudfront.net/medias/sys_tandm/8812684115998.jpg
Also, if your scout lost, or didn't finish coloring their flower-parts picture from last month, I've included it as an attachment. You can print it up at home. If you tell me they finished coloring it and have a rough idea of what those flower parts are I can send home a Flowers Badge! The girls that remembered and brought their pictures today got their badges today, so make sure they check their socks or pockets! (That's our don't-lose-your-patch motto: "Sock it or Pocket!")
We wrapped up with the most diverse snack we've ever had. The girls had 14 different kinds of plants to eat, and had to figure out whether each was a fruit, or not a fruit. Many of the girls got to try things they never had before (Guavas, Mangoes, Papayays, Avacados!) and had a lot of fun tasting the different ways fruits come to us.
BIG REMINDER: Our original schedule in September said that our last February meeting (the one at College Park) was going to be next week--remember, it's rescheduled and will be the following week, February 22! We will be in our usual place, the world languages room, so it's just the bat-time that's new, not the bat-station.
LOST! (and not yet found) Did anyone go home with an extra purple hat today? A scout is missing hers, so if you happen to have a bonus hat, let me know! (It wasn't a hat-making badge day!)
FINALLY, please keep writing letters to to groups and companies for help with the Bike Safety Clinic. The list the girls came up with is here: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0a4fa5ad22a13-bronze But feel free to add more of your own!
Thanks everyone, have a great night!
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