Thursday, January 10, 2019

Girl Scouts: Great work girls! 1) Supply list for next week sign up 2) Get your cookie paperwork!

Hi everyone,

It was a very productive meeting after school yesterday.  The girls worked together and decided they want to complete their "Night Owl" badge requirements, and will be doing 5 activities; 4 at the meeting, and 1 later that night.  Here's the list of activities and activity leaders.

NOTE:  The nighttime hike will still happen in the cold, but NOT in rain. So dress appropriately!

Activity 1)  Galaxy Jars by Katie and Kendra
Activity 2)  Moon phase cookies and learn about the phases of the moon by Ellen
Activity 3)  Nocturnal Animal Pictionary by Quinn and Carrie
Activity 4)  Late Night Talk Show by Eva, featuring Evie and Teagan
Activity 5)  Night hike and listening for nightime wildlife by Evie and Teagan  8:00PM that night at Scout Lake Park, meet in the parking lot off of Loomis.

The girls leading each activity studied their parts, and agreed to make sure to study and plan their roles between now and Wednesday too; if you can remind them though, that would be great!

There aren't a whole lot of supplies needed, but what the girls came up with is on the sign up page here.  There were a lot of supplies that we already have, so I left that off the sign up list and will bring it on Wednesday:


We gave the girls at the planning meeting their cookie sale information for this year.  If your scout wasn't there, reach out to me by email or phone (414-595-6668) and we can coordinate on getting that to you too.  Cookie selling officially starts tomorrow!

Remember, while the money from cookies supports troop activities and events, there's a lot to learn from the sale too; it helps develop skills like goal setting (how many boxes would our troop need to sell in order to do ______________ ), communication and bravery (even asking relatives to buy cookies can be scary for some girls, but is a safe way to develop courage and interpersonal skills), and business/financial literacy (if you spend $10 on something you think will help you sell cookies, but you only sell one more box, was that a good use of resources?  What about if that expense helped you sell 20 more boxes?)

See you Wednesday!  And one more time:  I'm so proud of what these girls can put together and do!  Great job!


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