Hi everyone!
#1) Just a quick reminder our next meeting is a planning meeting after school next Wednesday 11/13 from 3:00-4:30. The following meeting is the next Wednesday, 11/20, and is an action meeting from 3:00-5:00.
#2) Last meeting the girls brainstormed ideas for the movie they'll make as the culmination of their MEdia work. To save some meeting time, and to keep the debate focused, I made a Pro/Con spreadsheet for the girls to fill in as a Google Spreadsheet.
It's pretty simple and probably self-explanatory, but here's an explanation anyways:
On the left side are listed all the topics they came up with.
After each topic are spaces for up to 10 Pro and 10 Con reasons for the girls to use that topic for their movie. The girls can fill in any Pro and Con reasons they think of. They can add as many or as few Pro or Con reasons to as many or as few topics as they want. They don't just have to pick one topic, and they can think of both Pro and Con reasons for the same topic if they want.
As an example, I had Evie start filling in the "Pedestrian Safety/Rights and Driver Rules/Responsibilities" topic. (But she could have, and probably will do more later.)
The only rules are:
- Don't delete anyone else's Pro or Con reasons, even if you disagree with them.
- Be respectful and appropriate.
- Keep in mind that we'll share the various reasons at the next meeting.
Here's the link, anyone with the link can edit the sheet:
#3) The girls picked volunteering at Trickle Bee, a volunteer run, pay-what-you-can restaurant, for our activity this month. We're trying to set up their visit for the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, but are waiting to hear if they have room for us to help. (it's a small restaurant!) If we get the "OK," who would be available between 11:00-2:00 Wednesday 11/27?
See you next Wednesday!
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