Thursday, March 12, 2020

Girl Scouts: Updates and Meeting Recap

Hi everyone!

Just a quick recap of the meeting (FUN!) yesterday, and some info about our field trip to the Robotics Competition.

First the sad news:  FIRST robotics suspended all competitions and ended their season, so there won't be a robotics competition to go to this year.  So our field trip on 3/20 is also suspended.  :(  

Second:  A recap of what we did Wednesday, which was much more fun than a virus!

We started with our story/experience warm-up.  The girls brought back the inspiration stones they've been carrying since last meeting and all shared experiences that connected to the word on their specific stone.  Then we shuffled up the stones and drew new ones for next week.  The girls are doing a great job putting themselves in the way of being courageous, imaginative, hopeful, dreamers, and strong!

After that, since I promised fun, we had some fun doing the "Iron Artist Challenge".  We spread piles of random materials around the room and gave the girls 10 minutes to be creative using any of it any way they could imagine--with no instructions and no interference from adults.  Then the girls shared about what they made.  We followed that up by splitting into teams of 4 girls, and doing the challenge as teams.  Afterwards we briefly talked about what was easier (most thought it was easier to work alone) but what was more fun (there sure seemed to be more giggles when the girls worked a s group!)

Then we had snacks and got to planning for the Father Daughter Dance (fingers crossed to keep that scheduled!)  the girls decided to do a Hawaiian theme, and decided we would do cork tiki-face necklaces as a craft ( ).  We're still hammering out details on food--the finalists for the entree are Pizza (Pro's: relatively inexpensive, very very easy to prepare (just open the boxes), and possible to have a variety, including of course hawaiian, Con's:  not everyone likes pizza, and it is more expensive than some other choices) and chicken tenders (Pro's: more universally liked, Con's:  Hard to prepare enough for everyone--how do you prepare and serve 800 chicken strips/tenders?) But we have some good ideas for sides.  (Fruit skewers, goldfish, cake pops.)

That wrapped up our meeting for the day.  

Looking forward, I've reached out to Michael Anderson of "MilWALKee Walks" to be our interview guest for next week--he'll be great if we can get him.  Girls:  Could you think of questions to ask him?  Here are some articles about who he is, and why he and MilWALKee Walks connects to us: 

This quote might be helpful:  ""Every 6.9 hours a pedestrian is hit by a car in Wisconsin.  Many are killed and this is unacceptable."

If some of you can write some questions to ask him, like why he got involved, what the big problem is, what people can do, what people should consider when driving/walking, etc. that would be AWESOME.  I don't know yet if he can make it, but if he can it would be great to be ready!

See you Wednesday!




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