Hello everyone!
First, for everyone:
I had really hoped to do one of our monthly meetings over at College Park, but if no one else is able to help out setting up the room and getting the girls set at the start of the meeting, then I really can't. We can even give you a super sweet Girl Scout title? It looks great on a resume! Unfortunately I can only be in one place at a time! At the moment, I haven't heard from anyone willing to step in though...
Second, for the campers at Silverbrook:
Remember we have our pre-tying drop-in time tomorrow! 6-8PM. I have all our camp t-shirts, and a ton of rubber bands, and a bunch of instructions for different ways of tying t-shirts to make fancy tie-dye patterns when we dye them at camp. Drop in anytime between 6-8. (It really shouldn't take that long for each scout to tie their shirt up.)
Thanks, everyone!