Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Girl Scouts: A couple fun things to do!

Hi everyone!

Thanks to everyone who did some cleaning up and/or garlic mustard picking for Earth Day (or around Earth Day).  Greendale appreciates your effort!

I found a couple more fun things for our girls to do if they're getting bored--and if they've run out of YouTube...

Discovery World has a nice selection of Science at Home activities; and since our girls are DW fans, this is right up their alley!

There's a ton of great at-home science to goof around with, and you might accidentally learn something along the way.

Second, this still involves a screen, but should be worth it: the City of Chicago is starting a "Hit Play Chicago" webseries that takes tours of Chicago museums and destinations with the mayor of Chicago.  The first one is tomorrow (Wednesday) at noon and will be a tour and back scenes look at Shedd Aquarium.  It sounds like there'll be at-home activities kids can do along with the tours, if you're ambitious and want to treat it like a virtual field trip at school!

Keep active and learning!


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