Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Girl Scouts: Sorry to bombard you lately; but this is amazing, and perfect for some of our girls!

Hi everyone,

Sorry to keep filling your inbox, but I wanted to make sure I got this to you guys right away!

(Also, if anyone tried to use the HitPlayChicago link to do the virtual field trip of Shedd Aquarium earlier today and it wasn't working, it's updated now with the Shedd Aquarium video and supplemental activities.)

But onto the newest and coolest thing!

Disney has started offering its online theater course based around the Broadway version of "The Lion King" for free!   Since a lot of our girls are into forensics, drama, or other performance arts, this seems PERFECT for them.  It's hosted by the actor and actress who played Nala and Simba on Broadway and covers basically every aspect of acting from blocking, to costumes, to performance, and more!

Some things you might have to adjust in the lesson plans a bit to make work at home (this was originally a lesson plan Disney made for drama teachers) for example in the first session there's an activity where it tells you to break the class into 9 groups--which will be difficult for most of us!  But I think our girls are creative enough to figure out work-arounds and still get something out of the program.

Also, if it ever asks you to Log In or anything like that, you shouldn't actually have to.  Just go back to the original link and go from there to the segment you want to use.  It seems like they're still adjusting the websites from their usual paid status. 

I've attached the .pdf of the course.  It'll take a while to work through--but it really seems to be a very good learning tool for acting if you're into that, or just having Disney/Lion King fun if that's more your thing.  The activities included cover both basic learning and "level up" challenges for kids that would want to stretch their acting muscles a little more.

If you'd rather download directly from Disney, here's the link.  Once you download the Jr. .pdf, close the orange box and the videos/classes will show up.

And OF COURSE I'll have patches (when they're available) if any of the girls work their way through it!


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