Friday, July 31, 2015

Girl Scouts: Cool Waters--missing anyone?


Here's my attendance list for Cool Waters next Saturday at 6:30. Please check and make sure it's OK.  I have just only the tiniest little bit of time to fix anything if changes need to made.

In addition to checking the list for your name, I'm also looking for someone to help take charge of folks showing up before the event starts.  As some of you know I'm coordinating the Greendale Education Foundation Kickball Tournament that day, and the last game is scheduled to end at 5:30.  With handing out trophies and some cleanup afterwards, I'm hoping to just barely make it to Cool Waters by 6:30 myself!  So, if you're planning on attending, and would be willing to arrive early and provide a "rally point" for our troop to converge on before the event, please let me know!

(Also, on an unrelated note, I'll be sending a sign up genius link out soon to help sort out who'll be where and when at the September 11-12-13 campout.  Please keep an eye out for that.  I meant to have it out this week, but there's just too much going on!)

Here's who I'm expecting to Cool Waters on August 8th at 6:30

Kendra P. +2
Portia P. +3
Sara L. + 5
Evie S. +2
Liliana K. +4
Ashlee F. +3
Adrhia F-M. +2
Aria K. +2
Caiya F. +3
Olivia Kr. +2
Jesi P. +4
Katie +1
Alexis +2
Alyssa +2
Kahlen +3
Sophia +1
Maya +4

Thanks so much!  See you next week!


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

September Campout T-Shirt Sizes

Hello again!

Since the September Campout includes a T-Shirt, here's my guess on sizes for the folks I have signed up.  Let me know if I should change anything!

For the grownups chaperoning during the day on Saturday, you'll get T-shirts too, so send me your size to make sure I get it right!

(Key:  YM= Youth Medium, YL= Youth Large, AS=Adult Small)

Kendra YM
Portia AS
Gretta YM
Adrhia YL
Aria AS
Caiya YM
Olivia Kr YM
Lauren YM
Jesi AS
Maya YM
Samantha YL
Katie YM
Alyssa YM 
Ellen YM
Hannah YL
Isabel YM
Gabby YL
Lara YM
Kailee YL



Beach Cleanup Info--Slightly Different Than Before!

Hello everyone!

Just some info for the beach cleanup tomorrow night!

1)  Due to some crossed wires, our cleanup tomorrow is at South Shore Beach .  2300 E.  Nock St.  Milwaukee, WI 53207.  NOTE:  THIS IS DIFFERENT FROM OUR USUAL LOCATION (Bay View Beach).  

2)  You don't need to bring anything but your enthusiasm!  Everything else is provided.

3)  We can take 3 scouts in our car if anyone needs a ride.  If you do, email me to let me know, and meet at our house at 4:50.  Otherwise, meet up at South Shore Beach at 5:30.  

After doing some other checking, our regular beach cleanups (2nd Thursday of the month between May-September) are still going on at Bay View Beach, so we can do August and September for anyone that's missing this one!

The clean ups are my favorite community service project.  It's relaxing, soothing, and a good chance for girls to do some good.  

Hope to see you there!


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Girl Scouts Silverbrook Campout in September: Final List, double check!

Hello Scouts!

Here's my final list of attendees for the September campout at Silverbrook. If your name is here, but isn't supposed to be, let me know and I'll get it off. If you really really really really want your scout to go, let me know now too, and I'll put you on the call list if anyone cancels.

This is a list of anyone that will be there during the day on Saturday. You can sleep over either Friday or Saturday night, but we don't have to worry about sorting the list out that far right this moment.

Almost finally, the cost for this one is $21. It will include 3 meals on Saturday plus a t-shirt to tie dye, plus everything else the scouts will do and use that weekend. You can make checks out to Girl Scout Troop 8035.

And truly finally, because of the number of girls signed up, I'll be looking for 2 additional parent chaperones for the day on Saturday and for the nights. (Let me know what you can do, and we'll build a volunteer schedule.) If you're chaperoning, don't forget your scout goes for free, so there's that perk too.

Here's the list:
Oliavia Kr

Thanks! Keep an eye open for info on this Thursday's beach cleanup, one of our troop's regular service projects!


Thursday, July 16, 2015

For Campout Girl Scouts: Packing List

Hi everyone!

If you signed your scout up for the campout this weekend, here's what she should bring:

Bug spray
Change of clothes
Long pants/sweatshirt if it turns cold
Comfortable walking shoes
Something to tie your scout's hair back at the fire, if she has long hair
Rain/mud boots if it looks like the trails will be muddy

In addition, for sleep-over scouts:  
Bedding/pillows/sleeping gear (there are mattresses, but that's it!), 
any other toiletries.

See you soon!


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Girl Scouts: Renaissance Faire Trip Sunday

Hello again, as promised!

Information on the Renaissance Faire, here goes:

We'll meet up at our house at 10:30, planning to be on the road by 10:45.  The plan would also be to get back by 7:00 that evening.

I have these girls as attendees, am I missing anyone?

Caiya F.
Olivia Kr +2
Jesi P.
Gretta H.
Aria K.
Katie B.
Lilly P.
Evie S.

Assuming Olivia has a ride down there, we COULD fit everyone in our van and car. However, if any other parents are going though, would you be interested in carpooling an extra scout or two?  

What to send with your scout:  
1)  Emergency contact information
2)  Spending money and any instructions you want us to make sure the girls follow with it.  (I.e. just on lunch, or for games or rides or souvenirs, etc.)

Admission for kids is either $8.00 or $7.50 (they have both prices listed?), adults are $18.50.

See you there!


Girl Scouts: This weekend campout schedule!


This is the first of two scheduling emails tonight.  The second will be about the Renaissance Faire Trip on Sunday, so if you're doing that one, keep your eyes open!

Campout Schedule 7/17-18
4:00-5:00 Check in, put stuff away
5:00-6:00 Outdoor games
   Medieval Relays
   Hammer throw 
   Caber toss 
   Sheep toss
6:00-7:00  Fashion Show (by groups)
   Design armor fashion competition
   Design and model dress competition
7:00-8:00  Dinner 
   Fire roasted smoked turkey legs, hot dogs, and veggies, marshmallows and Thanks-a-Lot s'mores
8:00-9:00 Clean Up, come inside
9:00-10:00  Do nails, bake cakes inside of orange peels, karaoke
10:00 Night Owl Hike
11:00 Go to bed!

7:00-8:00 Wake up, get up
8:00-9:00 Breakfast
       Pancakes, bacon, eggs, fruit
       Juice, Milk
9:00-10:00 Clean up, paint birdhouses
10:00-11:00 2 Groups:
   1)  Archery
   2)  Needlepoint
   Switch groups
12:00-1:45 Lunch around-the-lake hike
   Also picnic lunch
1:45-2:45 Make spoon marshmallow catapults, have fun with 8 foot trebuchet and water balloons
2:45-4:00 Medieval Dance
4:00-5:00 Clean up, head home!

See you there!


Monday, July 13, 2015

Girl Scouts: A shot in the dark--anyone?

Hi scouts!

Is anyone that was signed up for this alternate weekend campout at Ross lodge this Friday->Saturday planning to cancel, or leave early?  There are a couple scouts who are interested in going but missed signing up, so if anyone was planning on canceling, let me know ASAP and I can fill the spot!

Here's who I'm expecting:

Ellen W.  
Kendra P. 
Maya H. 
Lia S. 
Teagan A.
Jesialis P. 
Caiya F. 
Liliana K. 
Katie B. 
Olivia Ka.
Samantha S. 
Evie S.



Sunday, July 12, 2015

Girl Scouts: Summer Schedule/Summer Event Info

Hi everyone!

In case you can't find it, here's the link to more information about the summer schedule/events.  If you want to sign up for something, just let me know and I'll get your scout on the list (and you if you want to help out!)



Girl Scouts: Deadlines Approaching--Attendance Lists

Hi everyone!

The deadline's approaching for a couple events.  Here' who I have to sign up for the Renaissance Faire, the Silverbrook Campout in September 11-13 (you pick which) and the Cool Waters Pool Party August 8th.  The second date for the troop Ross Lodge campout is also coming up this weekend, and I'll get more info out about that Monday or Tuesday.  We'll start up at 4:00 at the lodge though Friday night, and wrap things up between 4-5:00 Saturday afternoon.  (But if your scout needs to leave early, that's a-ok!)

Silverbrook September Campout:
Oliavia Kr

Ren Faire July 19th 10:30 meetup at our house-7:00 arrival back at our house:
Olivia Kr +2

Cool Waters August 8th 6:30-8:30PM:
Kendra P. +2
Portia P. +3
Sara L. + 5
Evie S. +2
Lilaiana K. +4
Ashlee F. +3
Adrhia F-M. +2
Aria K. +2
Caiya F. +3
Olivia Kr. +2
Jesi P. 

Friday, July 3, 2015

Girl Scout Parade: Wagon is set!


Ashlee's family's bringing a second wagon so we're all set.

See you at lineup!


Girl Scout Parade Last Minute: Does anyone have an extra wagon?

Hi everyone!

Sorry for the last minute email, but I bought some more last-minute candy for the parade tomorrow, and wonder if someone can bring a second wagon for the parade Saturday.  

It would make it a lot easier if we had a second wagon with water bottles and unopened candy bags we can ration out so we don't run out too fast!

Thanks a million!


Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Girl Scout Uniforms on Parade


Someone just reminded me that I didn't say anything about what to wear!  Sorry!

If you have your Junior sash, wear that, for sure.  If you weren't at the bridging ceremony, and haven't gotten a sash from me yet, let me know, it means I have your sash ready for you, and will bring it to the parade.

If you can pin your scout's sash up to her shoulder, that would be helpful too.  They have a tendency to slip and fall sometimes!

If possible, GS suggests a white shirt beneath the sash, and khaki shorts to complete the uniform.  We don't require those, but if you have them, and can wear them that would be great!  (No pressure if you don't though!)


Girl Scouts on Parade!

Hello Girl Scouts!

OK, I just got the email from the parade organizers about this year's 4th of July staging. 

Here's the skinny:

The parade is on Saturday, lineup from 9-10AM, parade starting (theoretically) at 10AM.

1)  The parade is lining up the same place as last year--on Grange across from Macy's at Southridge.  You'll be able to get into the Southridge parking lot off of Grange, BUT, you have to park west of the bus stop--apparently Southridge isn't making the east side of the parking lot available to paraders.  Our van will be parked in the Southridge parking lot and I'll have the usual assortment of flags and banners flying to help you find us!

2)  Arrival is between 9:00-9:45.  If your scout wants to help decorate the candy wagon, arrive closer to 9:00.  If not, your scout can arrive right up to the wire.  If you don't find us in the parking lot by 9:45, then we'll be heading up to line up in the parade on Grange, so look for us there.  We don't get our assigned parade slot until Saturday so I can't tell you where in line to look for us.

3)  If your scout is going to be in the parade, please let me know so I can plan on how many scout jobs (banner holders, flag carriers, etc.) we should be ready for.  We'll rotate throughout the parade so everyone gets to be a candy thrower!

I think that's about all the parade info.  See you there!
