Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Girl Scouts: Renaissance Faire Trip Sunday

Hello again, as promised!

Information on the Renaissance Faire, here goes:

We'll meet up at our house at 10:30, planning to be on the road by 10:45.  The plan would also be to get back by 7:00 that evening.

I have these girls as attendees, am I missing anyone?

Caiya F.
Olivia Kr +2
Jesi P.
Gretta H.
Aria K.
Katie B.
Lilly P.
Evie S.

Assuming Olivia has a ride down there, we COULD fit everyone in our van and car. However, if any other parents are going though, would you be interested in carpooling an extra scout or two?  

What to send with your scout:  
1)  Emergency contact information
2)  Spending money and any instructions you want us to make sure the girls follow with it.  (I.e. just on lunch, or for games or rides or souvenirs, etc.)

Admission for kids is either $8.00 or $7.50 (they have both prices listed?), adults are $18.50.

See you there!


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