Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Girl Scouts on Parade!

Hello Girl Scouts!

OK, I just got the email from the parade organizers about this year's 4th of July staging. 

Here's the skinny:

The parade is on Saturday, lineup from 9-10AM, parade starting (theoretically) at 10AM.

1)  The parade is lining up the same place as last year--on Grange across from Macy's at Southridge.  You'll be able to get into the Southridge parking lot off of Grange, BUT, you have to park west of the bus stop--apparently Southridge isn't making the east side of the parking lot available to paraders.  Our van will be parked in the Southridge parking lot and I'll have the usual assortment of flags and banners flying to help you find us!

2)  Arrival is between 9:00-9:45.  If your scout wants to help decorate the candy wagon, arrive closer to 9:00.  If not, your scout can arrive right up to the wire.  If you don't find us in the parking lot by 9:45, then we'll be heading up to line up in the parade on Grange, so look for us there.  We don't get our assigned parade slot until Saturday so I can't tell you where in line to look for us.

3)  If your scout is going to be in the parade, please let me know so I can plan on how many scout jobs (banner holders, flag carriers, etc.) we should be ready for.  We'll rotate throughout the parade so everyone gets to be a candy thrower!

I think that's about all the parade info.  See you there!


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