Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Girl Scouts May Meeting: THURSDAY!

Hi everyone!

The end of the year is really coming FAST!  Please sign up if your scout will be attending the meeting this Thursday.  As always, it's right after school, at GMS.  

On the agenda:

Make maps for community members to use at the Walking Trail Evaluation on 6/9
Review our Bike Safety so we're ready on 6/8
Make our own ice cream snack
Make our own games outside for fun and to prep for helping on 6/8 too

ALSO, I need to register for the GS Picnic so if everyone can take a look at the GS Weekend Sign Up and make sure you're signed up in the appropriate places, it'd be great!

Thanks everyone!  See you Thursday!


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Girl Scouts: September Campout--New things!

Hi everyone!

The September Campout is still a ways away, but I have to register us pretty soon.  The girls always enjoy it, and as they get older, there's more and more they can get out of it.

One option I'd like to run by the girls is a different camp site for the night(s).  Nearer to the main lodge is a series of 2-person mini-cabins with one large "main room" for activities, etc.  Our girls are all old enough to stay in those lodges now, and it might be fun for them to be more independent than they've been in the past.

In addition, the Cadette cooking badge is officially "Outdoor Cooking" so whatever else is going on for the campout, expect to earn that badge too, as we learn, experiment, and do a whole variety of outdoor cooking techniques (dutch oven apple cobbler is AWESOME!)

So, before I register us, can you check with your scouts and see:
A) If they're interested in doing the "Oceans of Fun" campout at Silverbrook this year (September 7-8-9, arriving after school on the 7th and heading home either Saturday night or Sunday morning.)  and 
B) How they feel about doing activities and group stuff in a big lodge, but then getting closer to real camping by sleeping with a partner in more rustic 2-bed A-frame cabins?  (They're all within sight of the main cabin!  Don't worry, it's not THAT rustic yet!)

Thanks everyone!  It sounds crazy, but September is closer than it sounds!


Girl Scouts: Flyering Friday Timeline

Hi everyone!

It sounds like there's some interest in Flyering Friday, so here's what we'll do:

We'll start at the Greendale Library at 11:00 AM, and plan to be in Ferch's enjoying frozen custard at 1:00.  (Whether we'll have just started our ice cream, or will be just finishing our ice cream is up in the air depending on how fast or slow we are.)

So far, it sounds like I'll be picking up:  Eva, Kendra, and (maybe?) Ellen.  There would still be room for up to 2 more in the van.  If I'm picking your scout up, then expect to be picked up between 10:20-10:45 depending on the pickup order.  (Which I probably won't decide until Friday.)

Everyone is welcome.  Who could say no to a group of amazing girls like ours?


Girl Scouts: Flyering Greendale Friday?


I see Kendra and Kahlen have signed up to put flyers up in downtown Greendale businesses.  Awesome!

I have flyers printed in color, and we're ready to go.  Since we have off of school on Friday, would any of the girls be interested in making it a group time?  I'm thinking around lunch-ish time so we can wrap up with some ice cream at Ferch's?


Sunday, May 20, 2018

Girl Scouts: Any scouts interested in being 8th graders?


Mr Weiss has allowed 3-4 of our scouts to present their Silver Project alongside the 8th graders at the Service Fair Tuesday. 

We have 2 of the girls who met with the health department ready to go, but if 1-2 other scouts are interested in helping get more community members out to the event on the 9th and also interested in sharing how they are serving the community let me know ASAP. (I have to let Mr. Weiss know which scouts are interested before Monday morning!)


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Girl Scouts: Summer of Fun is now register-able

Hi everyone!

Those "mini-daycamps" I emailed about a couple days ago, just opened up for registration.  There are only 25 spots available for each one, so register now if you are interested!

(If you had emailed yesterday about any of the camps, I registered you myself just now, so you're all set.)

If anyone wants to know when other girls are going, at the moment I have these registrations, and would have extra van space to drive some more girls if they want to join in:

2 Scouts registered for:
ALICE CHESTER on June 19th 1:30-4:00
Rock Climbing, Archery, Camp Games

2 Scouts registered for:
SILVERBROOK: on July 14th, 10:00-12:30
Paddle Boat, Art Project, Campfire + Smores

and 3 Scouts registered for:
SILVERBROOK  on August 3rd 10:00-12:30
Hiking, Camp Games, Campfire + Smores

You can find these under ACTIVITIES in the gswise.org site, and then search for "Summer."  They're all listed as "Summer of Fun Club."

IF you do register your scout, please let me know, because I'm sure someone will ask me if "anyone else" is going to certain dates.  

The dates and activities available are:

July 14th, 10:00 AM -12:30 PM
Paddle Boat, Art Project, Campfire + Smores
July 21st 10:00-12:30
Waterfront games, Lanyards, Campfire + Smores  
August 3rd 10:00-12:30
Hiking, Camp Games, Campfire + Smores

June 19th 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Rock Climbing, Archery, Camp Games
June 26th 1:30-4:00
Boating, Hiking, STEM Activities
July 2nd 1:30-4:00
Swimming, Art Project, Campfire + Smores


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Girl Scouts: Three more notes: Silver, Camp, and followup to the Summer Camp Adventures

Hi everyone,

Three more quick notes:

#1)  Make sure to sign up for the Weekend of Scouts!  

#2)  I've attached the finalists for the 2018 Silverbrook September Camp T-Shirt.  Vote for your favorite T-Shirt (A,B, or C), and favorite Patch (3, 7, 4).  As always, our troop is in the running in both the patch and shirt categories!

Inline image

#3)  I tried using the GSWISE website to register for some of the camp activities I just sent out.  They don't seem to be in the system there.  I'm checking to see if I did something wrong, or if there's something else we need to know.

Happy Scouting!


Girl Scouts: Summer Fun!


There was a meeting for troop leaders yesterday, and they gave us a flyer for something new from scouts just for girls our age!

It's for girls entering grades 6-12, and it's 1-day camp sessions at Silverbrook and Alice Chester over summer.  Each session is $10, or you can register for 3 for $25.

Register at gswise.org > ACTIVITIES  (  http://www.gswise.org/en/Activities/activities-list.html  )

If you wnt to go with a friend, make sure to coordinate through them.  These are a great way to take advantage of the camp and wilderness spaces Girl Scouts offers in a way that's more tailored to what our girls would like.

Here's what the choices are:

July 14th, 10:00-12:30
Paddle Boat, Art Project, Campfire + Smores
July 21st 10:00-12:30
Waterfront games, Lanyards, Campfire + Smores  
August 3rd 10:00-12:30
Hiking, Camp Games, Campfire + Smores

June 19th 1:30-4:00
Rock Climbing, Archery, Camp Games
June 26th 1:30-4:00
Boating, Hiking, STEM Activities
July 2nd 1:30-4:00
Swimming, Art Project, Campfire + Smores

If you would like to go but your scout needs a ride, let me know, and if Evie's available, we'll sign up and I'll be happy to drive.  (If she's not, then I can put word out to other scouts and see if anyone else is going that could offer a ride.)

These sound like a lot of fun! 


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Girl Scouts: Girl Scout Weekend!

Hi everyone!

WOW, the girls are going all out for this silver project.  When we met with the SAGE work group last Monday, we had some more great ideas, and they pledged to get their members out to help us audit the trails on June 9th.  In addition, they're distributing flyers to their members and getting them circulated where they can.

In addition, a scout found a GREAT walking map for Greendale that we can use to assign routes on the event day.  That's great because otherwise the girls were getting ready to make their own and that would have been a lot of extra work.

SO, what's Girl Scout Weekend?  June 8-9-10 has Girl Scout activities each day.  Girls are welcome to join in each, any, or all of them, and there will be patches for everything, and food!

June 8th:  Remember last year when our girls did their Bike Safety events at the Greendale School's Out event?  (That was created just so the girls could have a place to do their Bike Safety project?)  Well, the School's Out Event is happening again this year!  And even though we're not going bananas with Bike Safety events like last year, there are still a couple places for scouts to run events.

1)  There's a singe booth this year for Bike Safety so the girls can share the materials they put together last year (the safety trivia game, coloring pages, helmet and bike checklists, etc.)  We'd need 1-2 scouts to hang out there for the evening.  The Lion's Club is already offered to provide their dinner!

2)  In the field games area, the girls were invited to do their "Make Your Own Game" activity like they did at the Family Fitness Day back in February.  (And outdoors there'll be even more things to do!  Plus, they'll be right by the Milwaukee Wave who will be doing soccer activities in the same area!)

June 9th:  Our Walking Trail Audit event!  We've been talking a lot about this, and it'll be great!  The girls will set up, divide people who come into groups, then tell them what to do.  The girls will also give everyone their supplies and snacks, and collect clipboards and questionnaires when people come back from the trail audit.

June 10th:  12:00-3:00 in Konkel Park in the back pavillion area, is our Service Area picnic this year.  There'll be crafts, games, fun, friends, and of course, FOOD!  Bring the whole family, hot dogs are provided and families will be asked to bring either a side dish or dessert to share depending on last name (A-M Side Dish, N-Z Dessert).  This should be a very nice reward fr all the work the girls are putting in the days before.

I've made a sign up page, so let's have some fun on Girl Scout Weekend!


Saturday, May 12, 2018

Girl Scouts: Still looking for a girl to present to SAGE after school Monday

Hi everyone,

We're still looking for a girl to present to talk to the SAGE group after school on Monday about joining in with our Walking Trail Audit on the 9th.  It seems like the Talent Show and Orthodontists are stealing all our girls on Monday!

I hope someone brave can make it--the SAGE volunteers would be very helpful!  The girl can bring notes, to cover the 5 "W's" but need to be able to speak to 5-8 grandma's and grandpa's on their own for 5 minutes.


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Girl Scouts: Silver Update IMPORTANT and Cookie Prize Reminder

Hi everyone!

First, the girls did a GREAT job working with the Greendale Heath Department on Tuesday.  They got a lot of details locked down and approved, and came up with some good ideas.

Here's where we are at:

FIRST:  June 9th, from 12:00-2:00, we officially have use of the little parking lot by the Greendale Health Department as a staging area for groups to meet, where we will give them clipboards, snacks, water, maps, and checklists so they can walk the paths of Greendale and highlight opportunities for improvements.

SO, if your scout signed up to do flyers, we have our details.  Make sure to include these 5 "W's" on the flyer (not necessarily in this order or format, but this format would be OK.) :
Who: Anyone interested in making Greendale a healthier and more accessible place for everyone!  Leashed dogs welcome, but be sure to clean up!  Register at  https://tinyurl.com/greendalewalk
Where:  Meet at the Greendale Health Department Parking Lot 5650 Parking Street
When:  Meet at 12:00 Saturday June 9th
What:  Families and groups will walk the paths in Greendale to highlight opportunities for improvement and rate their "walkability" using AARP drafted checklists and guides.
Why:  Walking is a great way to stay healthy, so for our Girl Scout Silver Award project we'd like to make walking in Greendale as accessible and easy for everyone as possible!

The girls set a deadline to have the flyers distributed through schools, Greendale businesses, to other scout groups, and other local organizations BEFORE MAY 25th.  So if you're making a flyer, please have it completed by next week Wednesday, May 16th.

NEXT:  The girls got permission to present our project after school (3:05) next Monday May 14th at the Health Department to Greendale's SAGE workgroup (Successful Aging in Greendale for Everyone.)  WE NEED SOME SCOUTS TO GO AND PRESENT THERE.   We need someone brave enough to speak in public to 5-6 people, and who can summarize the 5 "W's" as well as explain why it's important to make the world a better place and why being healthy and having better accessibility to the walking paths would be a good thing.    (They can bring notes if they want, but the presenting has to be by the girls.)

NEXT:  The girls also discovered that the "walking map" that the Health Department had for Greendale didn't actually include any of the walking paths in Greendale!  Oh No!  So we have to either find, or make maps that do.  The girls came up with the idea of contacting the Greendale Department of Public Works, and the Greendale Historical Society to see if they have maps that show the paths in Greendale.  WHO CAN DO THAT?  

Those are the pressing and immediate jobs right now.  The Village is very excited about this project!  Great job so far girls!

One last thing:  Did you get your cookie prizes yet?  Let me know when you can come.  After 8:00 is usually best, since we generally have soccer until late.

Thanks, and happy scouting everyone!


Saturday, May 5, 2018

Girl Scouts SIlver: Need 2-3 Scouts to meet with Greendale Health Department after school Tuesday

Hi everyone!

Since our project is working pretty closely with the Greendale Health Department, we've set up a meeting after school on Tuesday so we can brainstorm and work out ideas and needs/etc.

I'll need 2-3 scouts (or more!) to join in and work with Greendale's Village Health Department to create this awesome way to make Greendale a better place for all ages!  It'll be right after school, and I don't imagine it taking longer than 45 minutes to an hour or so. 

Please let me know if your scout can join in!


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Girl Scouts: Silver Award start up jobs!

Hi everyone!

If you read the notes from the April meeting, you saw that the girls voted to work on a project suggested by the Greendale Health Department as their Silver Award Project.

The project would consist of organzing a community audit of Greendale's walking trails, working on the fixes the audit discovered, and finally re-creating the Greendale Walking Path Brochure and updating it to be current and accurate.

There are a few jobs that have to get done pretty quickly in order to get a jump on the project before school wraps up.

We also have to pick a date for the community walking path audit event.  Would the daytime on June 9th (the day after the last day of school) work for most of you?  That would be soon enough that people wouldn't forget, and would also give us the chance to advertise it at the Greendale "School's Out" event in the afternoon on June 8th.  (That was where our scouts did their Bike Safety event last year, and SPOILER we'll try to also do a single bike safety booth there this year (with the wheel, coloring pages, brochures, etc. all in one place.)  We may also enlist a couple scouts to do the "Make Your Own Game" activity on the field by the Middle School this year too.

Here are the jobs that need to get done right now.  If your scout picks the "Make a flyer" then leave the date blank for the moment.  And if your scout picks the "Contact the Health Department about reserving the Hose Tower" just hold off on that until we lock in a date. 

I look forward to seeing our scouts get creative and really make a lasting impact on our Village!
