Thursday, May 10, 2018

Girl Scouts: Silver Update IMPORTANT and Cookie Prize Reminder

Hi everyone!

First, the girls did a GREAT job working with the Greendale Heath Department on Tuesday.  They got a lot of details locked down and approved, and came up with some good ideas.

Here's where we are at:

FIRST:  June 9th, from 12:00-2:00, we officially have use of the little parking lot by the Greendale Health Department as a staging area for groups to meet, where we will give them clipboards, snacks, water, maps, and checklists so they can walk the paths of Greendale and highlight opportunities for improvements.

SO, if your scout signed up to do flyers, we have our details.  Make sure to include these 5 "W's" on the flyer (not necessarily in this order or format, but this format would be OK.) :
Who: Anyone interested in making Greendale a healthier and more accessible place for everyone!  Leashed dogs welcome, but be sure to clean up!  Register at
Where:  Meet at the Greendale Health Department Parking Lot 5650 Parking Street
When:  Meet at 12:00 Saturday June 9th
What:  Families and groups will walk the paths in Greendale to highlight opportunities for improvement and rate their "walkability" using AARP drafted checklists and guides.
Why:  Walking is a great way to stay healthy, so for our Girl Scout Silver Award project we'd like to make walking in Greendale as accessible and easy for everyone as possible!

The girls set a deadline to have the flyers distributed through schools, Greendale businesses, to other scout groups, and other local organizations BEFORE MAY 25th.  So if you're making a flyer, please have it completed by next week Wednesday, May 16th.

NEXT:  The girls got permission to present our project after school (3:05) next Monday May 14th at the Health Department to Greendale's SAGE workgroup (Successful Aging in Greendale for Everyone.)  WE NEED SOME SCOUTS TO GO AND PRESENT THERE.   We need someone brave enough to speak in public to 5-6 people, and who can summarize the 5 "W's" as well as explain why it's important to make the world a better place and why being healthy and having better accessibility to the walking paths would be a good thing.    (They can bring notes if they want, but the presenting has to be by the girls.)

NEXT:  The girls also discovered that the "walking map" that the Health Department had for Greendale didn't actually include any of the walking paths in Greendale!  Oh No!  So we have to either find, or make maps that do.  The girls came up with the idea of contacting the Greendale Department of Public Works, and the Greendale Historical Society to see if they have maps that show the paths in Greendale.  WHO CAN DO THAT?  

Those are the pressing and immediate jobs right now.  The Village is very excited about this project!  Great job so far girls!

One last thing:  Did you get your cookie prizes yet?  Let me know when you can come.  After 8:00 is usually best, since we generally have soccer until late.

Thanks, and happy scouting everyone!


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