Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Girl Scouts: September Campout--New things!

Hi everyone!

The September Campout is still a ways away, but I have to register us pretty soon.  The girls always enjoy it, and as they get older, there's more and more they can get out of it.

One option I'd like to run by the girls is a different camp site for the night(s).  Nearer to the main lodge is a series of 2-person mini-cabins with one large "main room" for activities, etc.  Our girls are all old enough to stay in those lodges now, and it might be fun for them to be more independent than they've been in the past.

In addition, the Cadette cooking badge is officially "Outdoor Cooking" so whatever else is going on for the campout, expect to earn that badge too, as we learn, experiment, and do a whole variety of outdoor cooking techniques (dutch oven apple cobbler is AWESOME!)

So, before I register us, can you check with your scouts and see:
A) If they're interested in doing the "Oceans of Fun" campout at Silverbrook this year (September 7-8-9, arriving after school on the 7th and heading home either Saturday night or Sunday morning.)  and 
B) How they feel about doing activities and group stuff in a big lodge, but then getting closer to real camping by sleeping with a partner in more rustic 2-bed A-frame cabins?  (They're all within sight of the main cabin!  Don't worry, it's not THAT rustic yet!)

Thanks everyone!  It sounds crazy, but September is closer than it sounds!


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