Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Girl Scouts: Girl Scout Weekend!

Hi everyone!

WOW, the girls are going all out for this silver project.  When we met with the SAGE work group last Monday, we had some more great ideas, and they pledged to get their members out to help us audit the trails on June 9th.  In addition, they're distributing flyers to their members and getting them circulated where they can.

In addition, a scout found a GREAT walking map for Greendale that we can use to assign routes on the event day.  That's great because otherwise the girls were getting ready to make their own and that would have been a lot of extra work.

SO, what's Girl Scout Weekend?  June 8-9-10 has Girl Scout activities each day.  Girls are welcome to join in each, any, or all of them, and there will be patches for everything, and food!

June 8th:  Remember last year when our girls did their Bike Safety events at the Greendale School's Out event?  (That was created just so the girls could have a place to do their Bike Safety project?)  Well, the School's Out Event is happening again this year!  And even though we're not going bananas with Bike Safety events like last year, there are still a couple places for scouts to run events.

1)  There's a singe booth this year for Bike Safety so the girls can share the materials they put together last year (the safety trivia game, coloring pages, helmet and bike checklists, etc.)  We'd need 1-2 scouts to hang out there for the evening.  The Lion's Club is already offered to provide their dinner!

2)  In the field games area, the girls were invited to do their "Make Your Own Game" activity like they did at the Family Fitness Day back in February.  (And outdoors there'll be even more things to do!  Plus, they'll be right by the Milwaukee Wave who will be doing soccer activities in the same area!)

June 9th:  Our Walking Trail Audit event!  We've been talking a lot about this, and it'll be great!  The girls will set up, divide people who come into groups, then tell them what to do.  The girls will also give everyone their supplies and snacks, and collect clipboards and questionnaires when people come back from the trail audit.

June 10th:  12:00-3:00 in Konkel Park in the back pavillion area, is our Service Area picnic this year.  There'll be crafts, games, fun, friends, and of course, FOOD!  Bring the whole family, hot dogs are provided and families will be asked to bring either a side dish or dessert to share depending on last name (A-M Side Dish, N-Z Dessert).  This should be a very nice reward fr all the work the girls are putting in the days before.

I've made a sign up page, so let's have some fun on Girl Scout Weekend!


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