Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Girl Scouts: Cookies and Silver Award Info

Hi everyone!

Two quick notes:  

1)  If you ordered extra cookies from me this week, I have them in my living room (or van) now.  Let me know when is good for you to come get them.  Tonight (Wednesday) is great!

2)  Since it looked like we were solidly on track to wrap up our MEdia journey project/movie, I was willing to call it a wrap and submitted the girls information for their Silver Awards.  Since there were definitely girls that did a ton of work, and girls that didn't even remember what the project was, I figured it probably averaged out to a comfortable and appropriate level.  We've all done group projects before...  :)

In order to qualify, a project was limited to 4 or less girls.  Since we had 9 girls who have worked kind of all together weaving in and out of different areas, I had to break it up into 3 groups, so in case anyone asks, here's what the girls did:

Group 1)  Evie, Ellen, Carrie:  Walking in Greendale:  Better Health through Walking
This group got primary credit for the signpost part of the project, and for the initial walking path audit event.  

Group 2)   Katie, Kendra, Teagan:  Take a Break:  Adding Rest Stops In Greendale
This group got primary credit for working with SAGE and the initial focus groups, and the installation of 4 benches throughout Greendale paths.

Group 3)  Colette, Eva, Quinn:  A Healthier Community:  New Walking Maps for Greendale
This group got primary credit for creating the new Walking Brochure for Greendale and lobbying Step Up to Better Health to turn it into a summer challenge for adults to walk on all 10 paths for a prize.

The Official Girl Scout awards event will be May 7th, and information/invitations will be mailed out directly to the girls involved as the event approaches.


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