Sunday, February 23, 2020

Girl Scouts: Meeting recap (late) and announcements/info

Hi everyone!

Sorry this took a bit to get out--it was a CRAZY week!  Just a quick summary of what we did last week, what the girls planned for March, and what they signed on to handle between now and then, and a couple announcements/requests.

1)  Meeting recap:  Most of the meeting was out getting movie footage.  And the girls are definitely getting more camera savvy!  We started out with a warmup that'll probably be a tradition going forward.  We each brought our inspiration stones and shared the story we had experienced in the last week that connected to the stone.  Sharing dreams, hopes, and moments of courage was pretty cool, and the girls definitely learned more about each other and themselves.  We drew new inspiration stones and will work to put ourselves in the way of new experiences to share for next month.  (If you get the chance, as your scout what stone they picked, and if they've found a connection to it already!)

After that the girls decided we should divide into two groups and we got footage for two more movie scenes:  1)  DO look both ways and pay attention when you cross the street, and 2)  Drivers DO need to yield the right of way to pedestrians in crosswalks. 

Since one group finished first, they worked on also researching statistics on pedetrian safety and incidents to create a montage for another movie sene.

2)  The plan for next month is to see if the family of the girl in the Greendale Memorial by Joey Gerard's would be avaiable and interested in meeting to talk about their experiences.  In all the hubbub, I did not write down what jobs the girls signed up for between meetings, so please check with your scout and see which of these she is responsible for:

A)  Find and contact the family of the girl, to try to arrange a meeting (this I do know was Eva's choice) ASAP so we can have a backup plan if they don't want to meet.
B)  Write questions that would be tactful, but would connect the family's experience to other people in Greendale and help drive home the message of the importance of what we're doing.
C)  Be interviewers at the interview
D)  Camera Operators
E)  Directors

3)  COOKIES:  Things have been a little nutso, so I haven't been as in-contact about cookies as in the past, but here's what's up for now:

Money for initial orders is due March 2nd.  (GS will start pulling from our account March 4th).  If you've had additional orders, we can roll those with a 2-week window, so if you picked up your cookies last Wednesday at the meeting, the money for those would be due March 4th.  If you want to arrange a connection to drop off or pick up money, email or text ( 414-595-6668 ) would be perfect.

And, as I mentioned before, when you get additional orders, any orders that get to me before Tuesday, I can get to you on Wednesday after that.

4)  Father Daughter Dance:  I only heard from a couple of you, and looking at the GMS schedule, it looks like we could choose:

Wednesday 4/1 or 4/15
Friday 4/3 or 4/17

Are there any of those dates I should black out or at least try not to use?  I'd like to have a date and location locked in by the end of this week so we can get the DJ and get the invitations out to the Girl Scout Troops in our area.  If I don't hear from you I'll assume any of those dates are OK.  (And I realize there might not be a day perfect for everyone, but I'll try my best!)


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