Monday, February 3, 2020

Girl Scouts: Last one for today--Cookie Booths early sign up for Girls that already started selling!

Hi again (again!)

I've made the scheduling sign up for Cookie Booths this year.  I'm sending it out to the girls that have some individual sales first as a reward for helping the troop out.  

Two notes:  

1)  The booth scheduled from 2:30-6:30 at Festival Foods in Hales Corners may or may not actually happen.  It was there to schedule originally, but as of this morning, the Festival Foods booths all disappeared from the GS Booth Scheduler.

2)  Also, if there's high demand, there are some opportunities we can pick up at Piggly Wiggly on Oklahoma and Chase on Sunday 3/8, and 15.  If all our booths get filled, I'll grab something at Piggly.

Here's the sign up link.  For the moment, please sign up for 1-3 slots.  There are 21 Scout Slots available, and 9 scouts that pre-sold cookies, so that makes sure you all get a shot.  When I open it up to the girls that didn't have any sales yet, feel free to jump in and add more if you want.


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