Wednesday, December 20, 2017


Hi everyone,

Just a reminder that all scouts should bring the happiness journal we made last week, and also the answers to the survey questions they asked this last month.

See you tomorrow (Thursday)!


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Girl Scouts: Cookie Kick Off Party in January!

Hi everyone!

The Greendale Cookie Kick Off Party is scheduled for January 9th in the Greendale Middle School MPR this year, and our scouts are old enough and have been to enough that they're ready to be in charge!

I've made a sign up for the event, and broke the evening into 2 shifts, 6:00-7:00 for set up and staffing a station, and 7:00-8:00 for staffing a station.  This will let the girls both help out, and play at the party.

Scouts from all over Greendale will be there, as usual, so this is a really wonderful opportunity for our girls to be leaders.  It's also a lot of fun, so I hope to see a lot of our girls there!

Sign up here:


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Girl Scouts: December's Cold, but Scouting is LIT! (Meeting and updates)

Hi everyone!

A couple Decemeber notes:

1)  Meeting:  Date is December 21st after school, at GMS, in the room we were in for November. (Unless they shuffle us around again!)

We'll play some Scout games, continue organizing the events the girls wanted to create this year, and work on our "Science of Happiness" badge.  Speaking of...

2)  Happiness journals:  I hope everyone is keeping a good log of when they're happy!  A chunk of our meeting will be turning those journals into data we can use!

3)  Self Defense/Self Confidence/ Safety Tae Kwon Do event in January:  

Here's who I have marked as interested.  Any changes?
Portia (maybe)

Also, the Tae Kwon Do instructor asked that a parent attend with the scout (if possible.)  Does that change anything?

Thanks so much!  See you soon!


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Girl Scouts: Safety and Self Defense Activity--Who's interested?

Hi everyone!

One of our troop families has set up an opportunity at a Tae Kwon Do school for our scouts to learn about self defense, self confidence, and safety.

The event is set up on January 13th, at either 10:00 or 11:00 in the morning (depending on how many scouts are interested and available.)


How many scouts are interested and available?  It sounds like a lot of fun, and also very useful for the girls.  The scout whose family set everything up is super excited!  Please let me know ASAP so I can give her an answer and lock in scheduling!  

It'll be a free event too, so no worries there either!


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Girl Scouts: Fun Times! And homework!

Hi everyone!

What a fun meeting!  These girls are pretty amazing.  We got a lot done, so here's what everyone needs to know:

1)  We started out with some Girl Scout Law charades.  The girls had some fun (and a LOT of laughs) acting out everything from "Make the world a better place" to "Be responsible for what I say and do."

2)  We moved on into our first badge work for the year--"The Science of Happiness."  Each girl made a pocket journal to carry with her until the next meeting where she'll take notes of when she's happy and what makes her happy.  Since they should be trying to be as accurate as possible, all the girls also signed up to contact at least one teacher to ask permission for scouts to log moments of happiness even in their class.  I've included the list of who was supposed to contact whom.  Each girl needs to include three things in either a personal contact or an email to that teacher:  1)  Our girl scout troop is collecting data for a science project about the science of happiness, 2) That data is a collection of times when they notice they are happy, and 3) Would it be OK if (at appropriate times) girl scouts logged moments of happiness in their journal?

Here's who signed up to contact whom:

Carrie -- Mr. Ligocki
Teagan -- Teagan's teachers
Liliana -- Ms. Hauke
Nyelah -- Mr. Schneider
Lauren -- Mr. Folker, Mrs. Weier
Evie -- Mrs. Gang
Samantha -- Mrs. Mutranowski
Kendra -- Ms. Walsh
Ellen -- Mr. Johnson
Eva -- Mrs. D'Acquisto
Quinn -- Mrs. Martens
Katie -- Mr. Van Roo
Kahlen -- Mrs. Dominguez

3)  More Science of Happiness!  The girls then brainstormed and then narrowed down a list of questions they will ask 5-10 people in the next month about happiness.  The girls also answered those 5 questions for themselves in their journal.  The questions are:

Where are you most often when you are happy?
Who makes you happy?
What do you do when you are happy?
What food makes you happy?
Is there a word that makes you happy?

4)  SNACK TIME!  We made fruit tacos.  We had various spreads (yogurt, cheesecake, cream cheese) and a lot of different fruits, and some extra-fluffy tortillas.  The girls seemed to realy enjoy it and got quite creative with their taco creations!

5)  Project time.  The girls wrapped up the meeting dividing into project/activity planning groups for activities through the year.  Based on the girls present we broke into groups to plan and organize:  1)  A food tasting event, 2) A cooking activity, and 3) A baby sitting event.  A couple of the groups got a good start, and I think they really have some good ideas.  I'm really looking forward to seeing how these activities/events come together through the year!

That's about it for today!  Keep scouting, and for the next month keep those girls journaling their happy times!


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Girl Scouts: Two (short) important notes!

Hi everyone!

#1)  Reminder that the Highland View Raingutter Regatta is actually at Greendale Middle School!  So if you're helping out tonight go to the GMS MPR.  (And if you're a 5th grade scout racing, also go to Greendale Middle School!)

#2)  The meeting tomorrow has been moved from room 151 to room 152.  We'll make sure you find us!  Is everyone signed up?

See you tomorrow!


Sunday, November 26, 2017

Girl Scouts: Raingutter Regatta Helpers

Hi everyone,

Some quick notes for the scouts who are helping at the Raingutter Regatta for the HV students:

1)  The regatta is actually AT GMS in the MPR this year.  It's still for HV K-5 students, but the MPR gives extra space and should be better for the kids.

2)  The regatta itself is scheduled to start at 6:30, so if helper girls can arrive at 6:00 to help set up and get everything ready, that would be perfect.  

3)  The races should be done by 8:00, and we should be done cleaning up pretty quickly after that, so if you're not sticking around, then you can come by to pick your scout up 8:10-8:15.  

Thanks for all the helpers!


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Girl Scouts: Happy Thanksgiving--November Meeting Sign Up!

Hi everyone!

The sign up for the November meeting is live!  It says room 151, BUT, that may change.  I'll let you know as soon as the office says anything to me.

Sign up here:

(Yes the link says October, but that's just me recycling sign ups--use resources wisely!)

Happy Thanksgiving!


Monday, November 20, 2017

Girl Scouts: Pick Your Fun! (IMPORTANT)

Hi everyone,

There's not  a lot of action on dividing up the activities the girls picked at our last meeting.  Our focus as Cadettes, as Girl Scouts, is leading and creating, not just doing, so this is really important.  This is their chance to be "the boss" of an event, or activity. 

Here are the sign ups again.  Please take a moment with your scout to find out what she wants to be the boss of.  Everyone has to pick at least one thing from the first sign up to be the "boss" of.  Girls that don't pick now will end up dividing up whatever is left over at the meeting.  So act now to get your top choice(s)!

For the second, those are just amazing opportunities to be leaders in the community and to other younger scouts.  I highly recommend them.  Also, for the international fair listing, I need to know if there's a country your scout would be interested in teaching other scouts about.  Our troop may not get our first preference, but we won't get ANY of our preferences if no one tells me any.  

So far Poland and China have been nominated.  Any others?

Happy scouting!


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Girl Scouts: The BEST Sign Ups ever!

Hi everyone,

Do I have the sign ups for you!  There are two, and they are awesome.

#1)  Is the sign up to pick which of our troop's projects the girls want to be the "experts" on.  A scout can pick as many or as few as she likes (she has to pick at least on though, since we'll spend some of our meeting time on these committees!)

Each group of experts will be in charge of planning/organizing that event.  They'll need to figure out:  HOW we can do that project, WHO we need to contact about it, WHEN we can do it, HOW MUCH it would cost, etc.

These are all projects the girls brainstormed, and then voted on last meeting.  I'm very proud of their creativity and their ideas!  There should definitely be something for everyone to enjoy!

#2)  Is the sign up for projects we've been invited to work with by community organizations, other scout troops, schools, etc.  These are OUTSTANDING ways for the girls to become leaders in the community.  And have no doubts--this group of scouts are the future leaders of Greendale, and the world!

Thanks everyone!  Happy Scouting!


Monday, November 13, 2017

Girl Scouts: Nut Sale, and keep your eyes open!

Hi everyone!

I have a living room full of nuts and candy!  If you want to pick yours up, text me or call at 414-595-6668 and we can connect and get yours to you.  Money is not due right away, but is due November 28th, so you have time to deliver to people meeting for Thanksgiving.  

Thank you so much to everyone who participated!  The sale raised about $200 for the troop to help support our activities, snacks, and everything else that goes along with scouting.

Keep your eyes open in the next couple days for a long list of choices for the girls to get involved in this year.  I've been approached by a bunch of people this year about projects that they'd like our scouts to have a role in.  Everything from an organization starting in Greendale that's working to help respond to the growing opioid problem, to other scouts that want to put on an Earth Day/World Thinking Day event that's all Girl-led, to the various projects and activities the girls themselves picked out at our last meeting.  

Do you remember the Highland View Boy Scout vs. Girl Scout Raingutter regatta? It's happening again!  And if any of our scouts that are still at Highland View want to participate, let me know and I'll get a boat kit to you!  It's November 29th, 6:00-8:00 PM in the Highland View Gym, as usual.

AND for our GMS scouts, the Highland View Girl Scouts have asked if we'd like to help at the regatta this year.  Jobs would include keeping the "Best Design" table organized, checking scouts and their boats in, running the craft tables, and helping set up and clean up.  Who wants to do a little service for our old school?

Happy Scouting!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Girl Scouts: Girl Scout Project you might find interesting

Hi everyone,

I saw this and figured it was worth sharing with you.  A 10 year old scout in Washington DC created a Girl Scout program called:  "Raise Your Hand" encouraging girls to be as brave as boys in school, and raise their hands even if they weren't sure they knew the right answer to a teacher's question.

The editorial she wrote for the New York Times (!!??) explains the problem she saw and how she hopes to solve it.  It's a short article, but worth the read.  I might look into getting our troop involved.


Friday, October 27, 2017

Old World Wisconsin Legends and Lore Tomorrow


Just a quick reminder in case someone didn't sign up (here) but still wants to join in Old World Wisconsin's "Halloween Legends and Lore" event tomorrow (Saturday 10/28) here are the details:

We'll meet at the Skibicki house at 4:00 PM (4256 Teakwood Ct.) with the goal to arrive a bit before it opens.  We'll likely stay until close, and plan to be back at the Skibicki house between 9:45-10:00PM.

It's mostly outdoors, so dress accordingly.
There is food available there, $5-10 should be more than enough.  (The food is usually hot dogs, chili, cookies, chips, and drinks.)

Admission is $10 for adults, $7 for scouts, and kids under 4 are free.

Here's who I'm expecting:

Anyone else?  Just let me know so we don't leave without you!

See you there--prepare to get spooky!


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Girl Scouts: Meeting Recap, and any other Nut Orders? Wednesday night is the last night for me to enter them!

Hi everyone!

We're moving now.  Two things in the email for tonight--a quick recap of the meeting, and a reminder that tonight's the last night to email me nut orders if you have them.  (I only see orders from Teagan, Katie, Liliana, Portia, Lauren, Evie, Sophia, Ellen, Kahlen.  Who am I missing?)

And now, a quick recap from the meeting today.  

First we got our thinking energy with our first snack (that's right, it was double snack day!)  We decorated some Day of the Dead cookies, which the girls enjoyed.  While we were eating the cookies, we split into groups and started planning our year.  The girls brainstormed ideas for different kinds of projects for the year--service, Girl Scout Community, and troop-fun events.  After coming up with many great ideas, the girls narrowed them down into a short list of things we should do in the next few months.  

As the girls get older, they get more Girl Scout responsibilities, and one of those responsibilities is to start leading the planning of activities we do.  Soon I'll get a sign up genius list out with the various activities the girls came up with, and the girls can sign up to lead the organization/planning/research for each activity.  The goal of Girl Scouts is to create independent leaders, capable of doing anything and believing in their own ability to do anything.  This is a big step on that journey.   And watching these girls, they're well on their way already.  They really are confident, courageous, and capable beyond what anyone would ever expect! 

Finally, we had a little fun with a second snack and a bit of a fun activity.  They made bite-sized dreamsicle cheesecakes using animal crackers, cuties, and a cream cheese/cheesecake mix.  (Delicious!) Then, we used poly clay to make poly clay swirled lea necklaces for fall.  The girls used leaves they collected outside to shape poly clay into leaf pendants to wear.  NOTE:  They'll need parent supervision to use the oven to bake their necklaces.  Instructions:  

Bake at 275 °F (130 °C) for 15 minutes per 1/4 in (6 mm) thickness.

That's all for now--Happy scouting!


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Girl Scouts: Meeting coming up and make sure to get your Nut Sale information in!

Hi everyone,

Two Girl Scout Announcements:

1)  Our first official 2017-2018 school year meeting!  On the agenda:  the girls will get to pick activities for the year, and what badges and awards to work on, a fun October snack, and a cool October craft.  

Please sign up here, so I know what supplies and how many treats to bring:

2)  Nut Sale--You can log your sales online through October 21st (I hope you set up your electronic storefront at ! That's where you can register all your orders.)  That's the very BEST way to handle getting your orders submitted.  IF you miss the 10/21 deadline to log your order, then you can email me your order totals BEFORE 10/25--the same day as our meeting--and I can add them up until that date.

If you still need Nut Sale materials, and can't print the electronic copies I emailed out (I'll attach them to a second email in a moment too) I'll be running a class for Park and Rec behind the Middle School (on the fields between GMS and Canterbury) from 3:30-4:45 today.  I'll have extra Nut Sale forms, etc. there so you can pick those up from me there.

Remember, the funds raised from the Nut Sale help the troop a lot.  Just since last school year, it's helped pay for the Cool Waters Pool Party,  sashes for the girls, registration renewals for the girls, the campout in September, support for families who need assistance paying for troop outings, and meeting supplies/snacks.

Thanks everyone, and Happy Scouting!


P.S.  Sign up for the Halloween Trip to Old World Wisconsin here:

And the Milwaukee Wave Girl Scout Night here:

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Girl Scouts: Woo-hoo! Here we go! (Meeting Schedule)

Hi everyone,

So, getting a room for meetings isn't nearly as easy as it was last year!  But, I THINK we're set.  

Based on school schedules, and conversations I've had with parents, meetings are going to alternate a bit between Wednesdays and Thursdays. My request is for room 151 at GMS, and I was (so far) able to reserve the room from 3:30-5:00.  Here are the dates that we should be meeting (There's still a step left in the process, but I wanted to get this out there for everyone.)

10/25 (W)
11/30 (Th)
12/21 (Th)
1/24 (W)
2/22 (Th)
3/28 (W)
4/26 (Th)
5/31 (W)

Also, I got the final details for Milwaukee Wave Girl Scout Night.  Information and Sign Up here:  

AND, our annual Halloween trip to Old World Wisconsin is coming up soon (10/28).  The girls love it (and quite frankly so do I--best Halloween celebration out there.)

Finally, two service opportunities for scouts:
1)  Discover Girl Scout Night at Highland View is tomorrow (10/11) at 6:00 in the library.  If a couple girls are available from 6:00-7:45 to help do crafts and projects with the younger scouts, that would be awesome.

2)  Help out at the Step Up To Better Health Fun Run and Walk for our schools (10/22 in the morning.)  Traditionally Middle School scouts have helped hold signs and point out where runners and walkers go.  Sign up here:

Thanks a million,


Monday, October 2, 2017

Girl Scouts: Getting going! A few things now, and more tomorrow!

Hi everyone,

Just a quick note to let you know that you're not forgotten!  After getting out to a running start with the campout, and horseback riding trips the first couple of weeks of September, things slowed down a bit, but we're back into it now!

First:  I'll be talking to GMS staff about meeting times tomorrow, so hopefully I'll have that schedule and location by the end of the day tomorrow.

Second:  I'm trying to figure out how to logistically best keep our amazing 5th grade scouts fully involved.  On the 11th, we're having a "Discover Girl Scouts" night at Highland View, so we'll have to see what numbers and volunteers look like after that.  Once we have that information, I'll put together a plan to keep this great group of Girl Scouts moving together into the future!  So please bear with me as I arrange meetings, etc. in a way that can be sure to have everyone participate.

Third:  Speaking of the "Discover Girl Scouts" night at Highland View, one thing that always makes it special is to have a few of our "Big Kid" scouts helping out and teaching the new scouts some of what we've done through the years.  Are any of our scouts available from 6:15-7:45 on 10/11 to go to the Highland View library?

Fourth:  A couple events to stick in the calendar already!  

A)  The girls made me promise we'd go back to Old World Wisconsin for their "Legends and Lore" Halloween Event again this year.  So, here we go!  Saturday October 28th, we'll leave from our house at 4:00 and be back to our house around 10:00.  We'll need some extra drivers, I'm sure, but it really is fun for all ages!  

Sign Up here if your scout wants to go:

B)  February 17th is Girl Scout Night with the Milwaukee Wave Professional Soccer Team.  This is another one the girls made me promise to put on the calendar.  As always, you'll be able to just watch the game, or stay after the game and watch a movie on the jumbo-tron, OR even set up a tent and sleep over on the Wave's field after the movie that night!  Exact details aren't available yet, but if your scout is interested, that's the date to block off.

C)  October 22nd is the Step Up To Better Health Fun Run and Walk.  Now that the girls are (generally) in Middle School, they can help volunteer to be direction givers and helpers with the run.  Traditionally a good chunk of our volunteers for the run have been Girl Scouts, so I hope our troop can keep that tradition alive.  The run is in the morning, anticipate being there from 9:30-11:30AM.  Please let me know if your scout can be there and help their school, and their community "Step Up" to better health!

Fifth:  Girl Scout Candy and Nut Sale!  The candy and nut sale start this week Friday.  I have the order forms in hand, and can get them to you before school any day this week.  Just like last year, you'll be able to enter your sales totals online yourself, which should actually make it easier for everyone!  (Instructions in the packet.)  PLEASE let me know the best way to get a packet to you.  I can meet you at school, leave it on my porch for you to pick up, or drop it at your house, whichever you prefer.  The nut sale helps the troop do a lot of the things we do (nut/candy and cookie sale proceeds paid for the sashes for the girls, registration renewals, the campout in September, support for families who need assistance paying for troop outings, and meeting supplies/snacks, and that's just in the last couple months!) 

Thanks everyone!  Cross your fingers for good luck getting a meeting schedule tomorrow!


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Girl Scouts: Horse riding--Last Call and Information

Hi everyone,

Camp was awesome last weekend, and we'll just keep on moving with horseback riding this Sunday.  The stables need a head count today, so it's really really last call if you're interested.

Here's the link with the pertinent information and sign up spots:

The details (make sure you have all the appropriate info filled out and with your scout on Sunday!)

Trip to Sun Fire Stables (33822A Hwy 20, East Troy)

Sunday, September 17th, 2017

Enjoy a day at Sun Fire Stables where we will be entertained with a fun equine educational experience!  No previous training with horses necessary.  The girls will get hands-on experience with handling, feeding, grooming, saddling, and riding horses as well as earn their first Cadettes Girl Scout badge in the process.  Weather permitting, our trip will also include a hayride.  SFS has been approved by the Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast.  

Price per Girl Scout is $35 (As always, if that would be a burden, let me know and the troop can cover some or all of the cost, no questions.).

We will meet at the Skibicki house between 12:30-1:00, and will leave at 1:00 SHARP by carpool to SFS.   

The girls will be dropped off at home after the event; approximately 6:00-6:30 PM.

Adult chaperones are welcome and may join the girls riding horses for $35.  If you don't want to ride a horse, but want to join us, the cost is only $5.


1)  Please fill out the Girl Scout waiver and permission slip.  And bring it with you at drop off.  MANDATORY

2)  SFS requires an Indemnity Form for each participant which must be signed and returned to Troop prior to the event. ALSO MANDATORY

3)  All participants must wear a helmet (you may bring your bike helmet).  You may also borrow a helmet from SFS.
4)  All horse riding participants must wear closed-toed shoes with a minimum of a ½ heel.  You may also borrow a pair of boots from SFS.
5)  All participants must wear long pants.
6)  Dress for the weather – wear warm but comfortable clothing.   A warm sweatshirt or jacket is mandatory as the stables and fields can be cold.
7)  Indoor riding arena will be used in the case of inclement weather.

8)  Bring a water bottle, drawstring bag, and a second pair of shoes to change into for the trip home (as your shoes may get muddy).

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Girl Scouts: Horse riding, registration renewal, and planning this school year's scoutingl!

Hi everyone!

OK, the school year has started, and so has scouting.  Woohoo!!

1)  I'm locking in registration renewals for next year, and before I click "submit order" I just wanted to make sure I had everything right.  
Here's the list of scouts I have marked as interested in continuing with scouts as Cadettes:
Kendra P.
Ellen W.
Kahen W.
Lauren P.
Megha M.
Teagan A.
Sophia V.
Katie B.
Carrie J.
Lia S.
Samantha S.
Portia P.
Jesialis P.
Liliana K.
Lara E.
Dea S.
Evangeline M.
Quinn S.
Adrhia F-M
Carrie J. 
Hannah S.
Evie S.
If your scout wants to keep scouting, and isn't on the list, let me know!  If your scout is on that list but does NOT want to keep scouting, let me know too-it'll save the troop $25!

2)  Horseback riding.  We can keep taking sign ups for our Horseback Adventure up through this week.  There are 17 riders on the sign up list, and we can fit (and the place would LOVE for us to have) up to 10 more.  Details and sign up are here:

3)  Planning for this year.  As usual, we'll have 1 meeting and 1 event per month.  We're kind of off to a busy start with the campout this weekend and horseback riding next weekend, so we may not do a September meeting.  I also want to coordinate with the other Greendale Middle School Troops to see how closely we want to work together.  They're much smaller than us, but always manage to do a lot of cool stuff--like the Father Daughter Dance for example.  Also, there's been talk about our GMS Girl Scout Troops hosting the area's World Thinking Day celebration, like the ones we went to for several years in Hales Corners/Whitnall schools.  Also, I want to coordinate with our 5th grade scouts and make sure we have a meeting plan that will work for them to stay involved too.  Finally, I have to work with the school staff at GMS (or maybe even the library) to figure out meeting times and places that are even available to us.  

All that's the long way of saying:  I'm working on the schedule, I promise!  We have some October events coming up the pipeline already that we might be interested in--UWM and Marquette both have Girl Scouts + Sports days for soccer and Volleyball that we want to look into, and a BUNCH of girls have already asked me about Halloween at Old World Wisconsin.  Those events, plus the events we'll put on this year will fill in a lot of the schedule, but if anyone knows a good opportunity for our scouts, please let me know!  That's how we ended up Horseback riding this year--a mom had a connection and an idea, and now we're doing it!

Happy Scouting everyone, enjoy this first week of school!


Monday, August 21, 2017

Girl Scouts: Girls on Horses!

Hi everyone!

Remember when I mentioned we had a horseback riding trip coming up September 17th?  I hope you saved the date, because here it is!  (And don't forget the campout at Silverbrook the weekend of the 9-10th for those of you that signed up for it before!)  Here's the link to the sign up page for horseback riding, and following are some important details and things to bring with and complete beforehand.

Girl Scout Troop 8035
Trip to Sun Fire Stables (33822A Hwy 20, East Troy)
Sunday, September 17th, 2017

Enjoy a day at Sun Fire Stables where we will be entertained with a fun equine educational experience!  No previous training with horses necessary.  The girls will get hands-on experience with handling, feeding, grooming, saddling, and riding horses as well as earn their first Cadettes Girl Scout badge in the process.  Weather permitting, our trip will also include a hayride.  SFS has been approved by the Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast.  

Price per Girl Scout is $35 (As always, if that would be a burden, let me know and the troop can cover some or all of the cost, no questions.)

Please RSVP by Sunday August 27th.

We will meet at the Skibicki house between 12:30-1:00, and will leave at 1:00 SHARP by carpool to SFS.   

The girls will return to the Skibicki house after the event; approximately 6:00-6:30 PM.

Adult chaperones are welcome and may join the girls riding horses for $35.  If you don't want to ride a horse, but want to join us, the cost is only $5.

1.      Please fill out the Girl Scout waiver and permission slip.  And bring it with you at drop off.  MANDATORY
2.      SFS requires an Indemnity Form for each participant which must be signed and returned to Troop prior to the event. ALSO MANDATORY
3.      All participants must wear a helmet (you may bring your bike helmet).  You may also borrow a helmet from SFS.
4.      All horse riding participants must wear closed-toed shoes with a minimum of a ½ heel.  You may also borrow a pair of boots from SFS.
5.      All participants must wear long pants.
6.      Dress for the weather – wear warm but comfortable clothing.   A warm sweatshirt or jacket is mandatory as the stables and fields can be cold.
7.      Indoor riding arena will be used in the case of inclement weather.
8.      Bring a water bottle, drawstring bag, and a second pair of shoes to change into for the trip home (as your shoes may get muddy). 

Happy Scouting!

Aleks Skibicki 

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Girl Scouts: Cool Waters Point of Contact

Hi again everyone,

Just a quick heads up that Bonnie, Portia's mom, will be the person to find and converge on before the Cool Waters event.  Make sure to check in with her and stick with the group so you all go in together.

Have a great time!


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Girl Scouts: Pool Party and Horseback Adventure!

Hi everyone!

I hope summer is going great for everyone!  Our Girl Scout adventures are rocking and rolling--Old World Wisconsin had new fun for us, and we all got to do and learn a TON!  (The candy stick prize at the end was a nice bonus too!)

We have some more coming up too--This Saturday is the Cool Waters Girl Scout Pool Party.  Please be there at 6:45PM.  The pool will close to us at 9:00PM, if you're coming to pick someone up.  The list of who signed up is below, but before that, the most important thing is that I need someone to be in charge of gathering everyone together and getting everyone into Cool Waters on Saturday, since our family can't be there.

So, who'll step up?  All you need is to print up a copy of the list below, and check the names off as they arrive on Saturday, then make sure everyone enters as one big group.  

Sophia V + 1 Family member
Jesialis P + 4
Lauren P + 4
Kendra P + 3
Kahlen W + 3
Adrhia F
Carrie J + 2
Samantha S
Madison M 
Eva M +1 
Portia P + 4
Thalia & Elytze D +1
Liliana K + 2

Next:  Horseback riding!  Save the date 2PM September 17th.  We have reservations for our troop at Sun Fire Stables.  I'll get a sign up genius out soon, and have more detailed information about pricing, etc.  But if your scout would be interested in some horseback riding, keep that afternoon free!

Happy scouting, and happy summer!


Monday, June 26, 2017

Girl Scouts: 4th of July Parade? Let's represent!

H everyone!

The 4th of July Parade is coming up quickly and I only see a couple girls signed up to march.  This is our chance to represent Girl Scouts to all of Greendale.  (And give out a lot of candy!)  Don't worry, we always make sure the girls have candy to keep too--probably more than they'd get watching from the sidelines.

We'll meet up in the Southridge parking lot off of Grange at 9:30.  It's so much fun!

As Cadettes, our girls are leaders amongst the scouts now, and this is a great time to work with the younger scouts that are marching and be a good example.

Also--I know 22 of you girls went to Washington DC last week.  This is a chance to follow up our visits to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Pentagon, the many memorials we visited and learned about.  Celebrate the birth of our country!



Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Girl Scouts: Last Call for September Campout and Cool Waters Pool Party!

Hi everyone!

In the next day or two I have to turn in registration forms for the Cool Waters Pool Party on August 5th, and the Campout in September.  So sign up now if you're interested!  There aren't a lot of scouts signed up--and for sure the more the merrier.

Cool Waters Girl Scout Pool Party!  August 5th, 2017 6:45-9:00 PM Just like it says--a pool party for Girl Scouts at Cool Waters water park in Greenfield.  No charge! 

September Silverbrook campout--don't forget to sign up for your space at the SIlverbrook Camp Out in September.  September 8-10th.  We may have enough space to sleep over both nights if you want, so if your scout wants to stay over both nights, sign up for both!  Sign up here:

And if you need details on the other events on that sign up, here are those details from the previous email:

Scout Day at the Renaissance Faire!  July 15th, 2017 10:00-7:00 PM  The girls have loved going the past few years, so we'll keep that one alive too!    Families are welcome, but not required.  Adult Tickets (age 13+) $20.00  Child Tickets (age 5-12) $8.50 – limit 6 children per paying adult.  As always, don't let the cost stop you from participating.  If it is prohibitive, just let me know and we'll cover it from the troop.

Laura Ingalls Wilder's 150th birthday celebration at Old World Wisconsin!  July 30th, 2017 10:00-5:00 PM.  Meet Laura and do the things she did throughout the day at Old World Wisconsin.  Families are welcome here too, but not required.   Adults (18-64) $19; children (5-17) $10 (children 4 and under are free).  As always, don't let the cost stop you from participating.  If it is prohibitive, just let me know and we'll cover it from the troop.


Monday, June 12, 2017

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Need 2 Girl Scouts!


I need a couple girl scouts for a couple very important jobs:

1)  I need a scout or two to go to the Greendale health Department and ask if we can use their prize wheel for our Bike Safety Trivia challenge at our Safety Event on June 9th.

2)  I need a scout or two to ask Mrs. Flater at Highland View, and (if they have them) Mrs. Owens-Burr at College Park if we can use their traffic Stop signs for the bike safety clinic too.  

Who's brave?


Girl Scouts: Camping and Bike Safety!

Hi everyone!

Just two quick items on the agenda right now:

1)  A scout asked me to resend the bike safety information they should be familiar with before the event next Friday, so I've attached the brochure scouts made, and the bike and helmet safety checklists to study too.  It would be AWESOME if you gave your scout a practical quiz looking over bikes or helmets at your house and having her work through the checklist on them!  (And if you haven't yet, sign your scout up here to make this project a reality!)

2)  Camping!  Here's a sign up for the September Campout!  It's always a lot of fun!  If you already emailed me to say you were going, feel free to sign up again.  I won't forget you, I promise, but it would be great to have everything in one place!

Happy scouting!


Friday, May 26, 2017

Girl Scouts: Lllamas and Last Calls!

Hi everyone,

First things first: I have llamas!  18 llamas are at my house hoping to find good homes to girls that sell cookies.  If your girl was a cookie seller that got a "llama rain check" because they weren't available with the rest of the cookie selling prizes, let me know how you'd like to connect to get her her llama!

Next things next:  (IMPORTANT) I'm getting the programs for the bridging ceremony printed this weekend.  So this is the last chance to be in it for scouts continuing on to Cadettes.  Please sign up here:

Last things last:  I'm excited to see so many girls are participating in their bronze project.  If you haven't yet, please sign your scout up for her part here:

Thanks everyone!  We always have some summer activities too, so expect that information to roll out soon.  And way out there, in fall, the Service Area campout at Silverbrook is scheduled for September 8-9-10.  This year's theme is "Sun and Stars" with a space/science motif.  Our girls are also old enough to join in helping run some areas of the campout if they're interested.  I have to start registering now, so if your scout is interested in going this year, let me know which night (Friday-Saturday 8th-9th, or Saturday-Sunday 9th-10th) and I'll start getting everything in order.  As always with the campouts, this is one the troop covers, so don't worry about cost.

Aleks Skibicki

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Girl Scouts: Attendance Today College Park Meeting

Hi everyone,

Here's who I'm expecting to the meeting after school at College Park today.  Missing anyone?

Lauren P
Jesialis P
Dea S
Sophia V
Hannah S
Lara E
Maya H
Madison M
Esabella K

See you soon!


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Girl Scouts: Reminder--meetings are all at College Park on Wednesday

Hi everyone,

Just a reminder that everything happening for scouts on Wednesday 5/17 is happening at College Park in the Spanish room (where we usually meet).

If you haven't signed up for the meeting yet, here's where to do that:

Also, make sure to sign your scout up for the bike safety clinic that we've been preparing for for months!  That's here:


Monday, May 15, 2017

Girl Scouts: Bronze Award Bike Safety Clinic--Here it comes!

Hi everyone!

These are the activities the girls have been preparing for for the Bike Safety Clinic on June 9th.  The girls should have a lot of fun, and in addition to earning their Bronze Award, this should be something they can point back to as an achievement for the rest of their lives.  "Do you remember the time that we....?"

This is going to be for all of Greendale, on Broad Street in Downtown Greendale, as part of the "School's Out" event.  Since you've all been saving the date since we first got it way back when, now it's time to sign up for where your scout wants to put her time in!

The girls are the ones running this whole show, so please sign your scout up for a station for each shift.  It doesn't have to be the same station for all three--feel free to mix it up!  You don't need to be with them the whole time, but you are welcome to!  There'll be other stuff going on in the area that day (in order to get the girls the space for the clinic I had to create an entire Greendale event, hence the brand new "School's Out!" event in downtown Greendale.)  If we have enough girls working shifts, we'll be able to give the girls breaks to go do other activities like making kites, pinwheels, face painting, street chalk, bubbles, field games, etc.  

Remember, the Bronze Award is a big deal.  In addition to the experience of having done something that made their entire community a better place, it puts the girls on the path to their Gold Award, which is the Eagle Scout award for Girl Scouts. (Which directly translates into real life recognition like advanced rank in the military, recognition by village and state governments--think about your scout having her own day in Greendale!--and scholarship and other opportunities exclusively available to Gold Award earning girls.)  In February there's a big banquet which recognizes all the girls that earn their Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards, and it's a very special event.

See you there!


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Girl Scouts: Meeting recap--and lost-and-found!

Hi everyone!

First:  Who's missing a "Cookie Ninja" hoodie? 
Second:  Who's missing a backpack?

Moving on, what a fun time!  It was the last Highland View meeting of the year, so of course it was ice cream and pizza time!

The girls also had the opportunity to hold a mock Bike Safety Clinic for the parents that were there, including a bike helmet safety test with an unsafe helmet, and a bike safety check with an unsafe bike.  They made detailed lists of everything they need, including staff, for the various booths they want to have at the event (bike quiz, skills course, coloring area, police lecture, helmet check, bike check) and I'll get that Sign Up Genius list out tomorrow!  I think they'll be very ready for the All-Greendale Event on June 9th (which is great, since we've been talking about it for months!)

I think they're getting into it!  We did assign homework, and that's to study the materials that the girls have about bike safety.  Even though the girls talked the police and fire departments into being on hand, it's still important for them to know their stuff.

I've re-attached the flyer the College Park girls helped make, as well as bike-check and helmet-check lists the girls can study to make sure they know their bike safety.  Please take some time between now and the 9th to work with them on this so they can represent themselves, scouts, and their school properly.

Also, since the girls don't have school the afternoon before the event, we'll have a practice run through sometime that afternoon.  Remember, the event itself runs from 4-9PM, so if we set up between 1:00-3:00, we can have a dry-run from 3:00-4:00 to get all the bugs worked out.

Happy Scouting!


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Girl Scout Attendance May 10th Highland View

Hi everyone,

Here's who I have listed as going to scouts tomorrow (Wednesday 5/10)  Anyone missing?  sign Up here:

4th Grade HV
Eva M.
Quinn S.
Alison D.

5th Grade HV
Portia P.
Kendra P.
Ellen W.
Samantha S.
Lia S.
Alyssa S.
Liliana K.
Hannah P.
Kahlen W.
Isabel S.
Mahi P.
Makenzie S.

Other Schools
Katie B.
Teagan A.
Adrhia F.-M.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Girl Scouts: Reminder--No meeting today. All HV scouts on May 10th

HI everyone!

Just a reminder that since last month worked so well, the May HV meetings were consolidated too, and all HV scouts have their meeting on 5/10.

Here's the Sign Up again to let me know what numbers to expect:


Sunday, April 30, 2017

A taste of what we did at College Park last week

Hi everyone!

If you want to see what our girls are capable of, here's the brochure they came up with at the meeting last week for our Bike Safety event on June 9th.  Be proud!


Saturday, April 29, 2017

Girl Scouts: May Meeting

Hi everyone!

Last month worked out well with one meeting at HV and one at CP, so we'll try that again.  Sign up here:

April was a working month, so May will be more of a fun month.  We'll pick our jobs for the Bike Safety Clinic on June 9th, and then fun times!

Remember to signup for the Bridging Ceremony if your scout is a 5th grader continuing in scouts for next year, or let me know if your scout is not continuing on next year.  Here's the list for that:

(Also, if your scout is a 4th grader, you don't need to go to the bridging--you'll still be a GS Junior next year--but let me know if you're continuing on in scouts at that link.)


Thursday, April 27, 2017

Girl Scouts: Time to be a star!

Hi everyone!

It's time to design next year's camp t-shirt and patch!  Last year was the first year since the contest started that someone from our troop didn't ultimately win either the shirt or patch design.  So let's win it back!

The rules are simple.  I've attached the design flyer, and you just have to fill it in and get it back to me (on paper or scanned in electronically) before May 7th.  

Happy creating!
