Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Sorry, as usual I forgot these!

Girl Scouts: September Campout, Contests and Info

Hi again!

One more email today.

First:  The service area picked the finalists for the patch and T-shirt designs for the campout next year, and the girls all get to vote on their favorite.  The images of the 4 final shirts and 3 final patches are attached.  Please send your votes to me ASAP

Second:  The campout is at Silverbrook again, the weekend of Sept. 6-7-8.  As always, girls will have the option of going just during the day on Saturday, or sleeping over either of the two nights.  I'll get the sign up genius out fairly soon to pick, but before then, please let me know if your scout will be attending at any time at all so I can get registration numbers right.


Girl Scouts: Summer Fun! And meeting NEXT WEEK WEDNESDAY 6/5 (Last meeting party!)

Hi everyone!

Just a quick note with some dates to save and upcoming scout events.

#1)  School's Out event on June 11th 4-8PM  We've had two requests for our troop specifically to be there--Girl Scouts themselves were interested in having some of our girls do the "Edible Fire" making that we did at the drug resistance fair in March.  (Fun story:  the skills/technique the girls learned there taught them how to be the most successful fire creators at the Outdoor Ed. campout for school last week!) 

Also, the Greendale Health Department was interested in having the girls do their bike safety booth again at School's Out.  

Since I'm in charge of School's Out, I can get us whatever space we want.  Also, I can make sure that all our girls get free burgers, etc. from the Lion's Club grill all night long.

So, block that date off in your calendars.  As the girls know, this is pretty much a fun-time event, with breaks to do crafts, play games, get faces painted, etc.  

#2)  4th of July Parade!  As always, we'll join the Girl Scout portion of the 4th of July Parade and keep local dentists in business with all the candy we throw out there, so lock that morning in!  

#3)  Cool Waters Pool Party  July 20th, 6-8PM  I registered our troop for the Cool Waters Girl Scout Pool Party.  Family are welcome to join in!   I do need to know how many scouts and how many not-scout-family-members will be coming, so please let me know.

#4)  Scout Weekend at the Renaissance Faire Aug 25th (Yes, I know school will have started by then, but I think it still counts as Summer Fun!)

#5)  Old World Wisconsin:  After popular demand, we'll get out there this summer too.  I don't think there's a specific scout date, but I'll look into the various special events going on.

Finally:  Our meeting will be next Wednesday,June 5th room or no room!  It'll be our traditional end-of-the-year party.  We'll make our own ice cream, play games, remember the past year, and brainstorm ideas for summer and next year.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Might have an opportunity—anyone interested?


Camp Hero (info below) is short of participants this year. When I spoke to someone from Girl Scouts they said they MIGHT be able to get girls entering 8th grade into the camp which is usually just for 9-12. 

It always sounded awesome, and if they don't have participation now it might not end up staying around long enough for our girls to be the appropriate age. 

Let me know if your scout might be interested, and I'll see if I can get scouts to see what strings they can pull for us. 

Info on camp Hero:

June 16-21

This overnight camp is an opportunity for girls to experience careers in the protective services.
Your week will be jam-packed with activities from all three career fields:
• Learn about blood splatter analysis and crime scene processing
• Use the jaws of life to extricate a crash victim
• Learn CPR
• Chase down and handcuff a suspect
• Rappel down the side of a building
• Perform search and rescue
• Get self-defense savvy

Link including a video:
CampHERO is made possible by Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast, Milwaukee Fire Department, Milwaukee Police Department, Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission, and Milwaukee Area Technical College.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Girl Scouts: No meeting this week; Sports game date!

Hi everyone,

I haven't been able to confirm a room for this week, so our reschedule for last week's missing meeting is still waiting for a reschedule.  I'll aim for next Wednesday (29) and will let you know what I can come up with!

Speaking of other rescheduled things...Milwaukee Milkmen.  It had looked like this Saturday would be our chance to go see a game, BUT

They haven't completed their stadium yet, so their "home" game this weekend is in Kokomo Indiana.  So we'll put that on the back burner too.  

There are a couple alternatives:

#1)  The LAST Greendale High School regular season sports game is a boy's Baseball game this Saturday at Oak Creek at 3:00.  Would any girls be interested and available to do that?  Since GHS baseball was one of their original alternatives, that would be a good choice for them. 

#2)  We could go watch state tournament games for other local teams.  There will be local games available, (For example, Muskego, Oak Creek, and Franklin are all hosting Girls Soccer games next Tuesday--28th at 7:00PM)


#3)  At our next meeting the girls can see if they can come up with some new alternatives.  If you get a chance to talk with your scout between now and then, 

Please talk to your scout and see if any of these alternatives are promising.  Evie suggested #2, and I could maybe even get our girls the chance to be ball girls for some of those soccer games next Tuesday if we go with that.

FINALLY:  I've reattached the camp t-shirt and patch contest forms for this year.  I need them BEFORE Thursday when the service area leaders will narrow it down to 4-5 finalists from our region.  So if your scout wants to take a shot, this is the last chance!


Monday, May 13, 2019

Girl Scouts: Meeting Recap, Scheduling Question, & Reminder

Hi everyone!

Sorry for the delay, but here's what we did last Wednesday:

We started with our usual challenge to put the Girl Scout Law in the right order--the girls are getting very good at it!  ( In case you need a reminder, here it is) then moved on to some "Make the World a Better Place" style fun.

After a short discussion about invasive species and their dangers, we went outside, and did our part to rid Greendale of Garlic Mustard, an invasive species driving out local undergrowth.  We made sure the girls knew how to identify Garlic Mustard by leaves, stems, and smell, and we all went out to the woods behind GMS and collected bags full of it.

THEN, to "Use Resources Wisely" we washed the leaves, and turned that Garlic Mustard into a delicious pesto.  I want to give a huge shout out to Evangeline, who, even though she was "pretty sure she wouldn't like it" was willing to give it a try and it turned out she really liked it!  (So much so that she ate seconds, and even asked for extra to take home with her!)  Her bravery and willingness to try something new, even if she didn't think she'd like it opened her up to a new experience that turned out great!  There's a life lesson in there somewhere...

Once we all had plates of crackers and home made pesto, the girls talked about whether we should use our next meeting(s) to finish up the patches we've started, or start something new.  They decided to try to wrap up what we had left to do.  One task to complete our "sportsmanship" badge is to go watch a sports event together, and think about how the spectators and the players can all be good sports.  After a discussion on options, and looking up schedules, the girls decided that e will choose between three options, based on which one more girls can go to:

Choice 1)  GHS Baseball Game @ GHS Friday May 17th 6:00 PM
Choice 2)  Milwaukee Milkmen Baseball @ The Rock Saturday May 25th 5:05
Choice 3)  Milwaukee Milkmen Baseball @ The Rock Sunday May 26th 12:05

The girls decided to base their choice on going to something local, something outdoors, something that didn't already conflict with too many schedules, and something not too expensive.  

If you have a strong opinion on which of these would or would definitely not work, please let me know.  The May 17th GHS Baseball game is next Friday, so if that's our pick, we'd need to decide pretty quickly!

That discussion and planning took up the bulk of the meeting, but was surprisingly productive, so we wrapped it up afterwards, and will move on from there.


Happy Scouting! (Let me know what sporting event we should choose!)


Sunday, May 5, 2019

Girl Scouts: Planning Meeting Wednesday


Just a reminder, Wednesday is our planning meeting.  3:00-4:30 in Mrs. Perry's room.

Because all of our 7th graders will be gone for Outdoor Ed. the following week, plan on rescheduling the action meeting for this month.   I'll have to see when we can get our room reservation switched.

As always, remind the girls to think of things they'd like the scouts to do outside of meetings too.  There's a lot going on that they might enjoy, and we can even start to look forward to summer, so if they come with some ideas it can really help plan our field trips and non-meeting activities!


Thursday, May 2, 2019

Girl Scouts: Good news! & GMS Play! & Cookie recognitions!

Hi everyone,

Three quick notes:

#1)  Make sure to go to the GMS play Friday if you can!  Two Girl Scouts from our troop are participating, and it would be awesome and very scout-ly to support them!

#2)  Remember when Evie met with the Greendale Board of Health, Park and Rec, and Village Board representatives to present the results of the community walking path audit our troop organized?  (Great pictures of all the steps along the way attached, if it helps jog your memory!)  IT WORKED, and made a change in our community!  Based on recommendations the community came up with at the event the girls organized and that she presented to the Village Officials, they agreed to install three new benches at locations from the audit!  That's a solid 1/2 of our troop Silver Award project locked in and done!  (Remaining:  redesign the walking brochure, and get signs put up on the paths.)

In addition, the Village is willing to install benches at two more locations, but those locations are on school district and county property, so our troop would have to write letters and present to the School Board and County Officials to get permission for Greendale to do that.  (We may work on that at our meeting next Wednesday.)

That's very exciting! One year ago, a group of 11-12 year old girls learned about a need, organized the community, talked to the government, and the government listened and took action!  WOW!

#3)  Cookie prizes:  I'm picking prizes up tomorrow.  BUT, this weekend is pretty nutso for us.  So, I'll have them sorted and ready for distribution starting Monday night (late).  I'll get  better timeline out after this weekend runs through, but feel free to text (414-595-6668) or email me to schedule a pick up.


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