Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Girl Scouts: Meeting Tomorrow (for some of you!)

Hello everyone!

Just a reminder that if your scout's name is on the list below, I'm expecting her at the meeting tomorrow.  As usual, if you're a Highland View scout, make sure to write that your scout is going to the meeting in your agenda!  Tomorrow's meeting is at Highland View in room 103 on the lower level, below the Library for any scouts that may not have been to a Highland View meeting yet.

It should be a good one--we have an exciting chef coming to talk to us, and we'll be doing our food and wine pairing activity (snack and juice pairing) that's been a hit at the last couple meetings.

Alison D.
Ellen W.
Kendra P.
Portia P.
Liliana K.
Hannah P.
Kahlen W.
Lilly P.
Jane U. 
Grace U.
Lia S.
Alyssa S.
Aria K.
Evie S.
Kailee A.

See you soon!


Monday, December 14, 2015

Girl Scouts: A couple things coming up!

Hi everyone!

Just a couple quick announcements:

1)  It'd be great if a couple more girls could join in the nursing home visit this evening (Monday 12/14).  We're down to 3 girls, and it works best with 5-8.  If your scout can go and make some people's lives a little brighter from 6:00-7:30 tonight, please contact Ms. Kelly at kellymatt8476@gmail.com or 627-8684 .  She can even give rides to a couple more scouts if needed!

2)  The Third Annual Cookie Kick Off Party is scheduled for January 15th in the Highland View Gym from 6:30-8:00 PM.  Its always a lot of fun, so mark the date on your calendars!  There'll be games, prizes, songs, crafts, and fun, and Girl Scouts from all across Greendale.

3)  Just a heads-up:  One of the 4th grade teachers let me know about an opportunity to help with Make-a-Wish, so I'm in touch with them about a possible service opportunity for our girls.  I'll let you know more as I know more!

Thanks, and happy scouting!


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Girl Scouts: Is that it for the 12/9 meeting? Also--save the date!

Hello everyone!

1)  Just making sure everyone who's attending the 12/9 meeting is signed up.  We have an awesome chef lined up to talk to the girls, and depending on the timeline we may do the food/wine pairing activity (ok ok ok juice/snack pairing) activity too.  Since that one's pretty supply intensive, it's important for me to have a good idea of numbers before the meeting!

Sign up here if you haven't!

2)  Save the date!  This year's Cookie Kick Off Party is 1/15/2016 so save the date!  There'll be games, prizes, crafts, activities, songs, samples, and a ton of fun.  Girl scouts from all across Greendale will be coming!  It's from 6:30-8:00 PM in the Highland View Gym.  Be there and be crummy! (From all the cookies!)

That's it for the moment, happy scouting!


Sunday, December 6, 2015

Girl Scouts: Last chance to register for Taste the Future overnight event at Discovery World

Hello everyone!

Just a last minute reminder that if you want to register for the "Taste the Future" overnight event at Discovery World, today is the last chance to register.

Register here:  

Type "taste" in the search box on the upper right hand side, then click on the name of the event "Taste the Future Sleepover 12/18/2015 7:00PM"
Then click on the "Register Now" button on the bottom.

Here's who I have registered so far:

Hannah S. 
Lia S.
Genevieve S. 
Maya H. 
Megha M.
Alison D. 
Adrhia F. 

Happy Scouting!


Friday, December 4, 2015

Girl Scouts: Meeting Recap

Hi everyone!

Just a quick meeting recap--it was a fun one!

Super thanks to Mrs. Skibicki, Mrs. Amenda, Mrs. Wnuk, and Mrs. Pintar who all helped out, and to Catherine Celsor, a Middle School Girl Scout that helped out too!  Thanks so much--without all of you, this wouldn't be possible! 

Unfortunately the chef we were going to have visit couldn't make it--one of her cooks called in sick and she had to take his work on that day too.  She feels bad about it, and we're figuring out a good reschedule for her.

So, in her place we had three other food-related activities some filled with some fun, and some with learning!

First though, as usual this year, we started by making festive placemats for Meals on Wheels.  This time we made woven heart placemats.  If some of your girls brought home "U" shaped cardstock cut outs, that's the template we used.  They can explain how to make hearts from that design.

Then we moved on to our first cooking activity:  A food and wine pairing event!  (Ok, it was actually a snack and juice pairing event!)  Every girl got to choose 4 kinds of drink (they could choose from milk, tomato juice, red grape juice, white grape juice, or Sunny Delight.)   They also each picked 4 kinds of snacks to pair their drinks with.  (Turkey snack sticks, goldfish, oreos, animal crackers, grapes, dinner mints, or cheese curds.)

Then they filled in a grid after trying each snack with each drink that they had chosen.  They recorded their results as scientifically as possible, so we could compare and use the results to pick future snack and drink combinations.  They made some interesting discoveries!  We learned that some foods go together better than others (Mints and Sunny Delight? Yuck!) we also learned that combinations that some people like, other people might not like.  We also learned that sometimes foods we LOVE when we eat them alone, don't taste as good when they're put together.

Afterwards, since time was running short, the girls got to pick whether they wanted to do a food-related craft (make S'mores snowmen decorations) or do a food related game (a popcorn relay race.)  The girls seemed to have a lot of fun no matter which wrap-up activity they chose.

Happy Scouting everyone!  We'll see you at the nursing home visits!


Monday, November 30, 2015

Girl Scouts: Extra room at College Park 12/3


Kahlen's mom just signed up to help out at our meeting on 12/3 at College Park, so I opened up some more spots for scouts.  If there's anyone who wanted to attend that meeting but didn't get to the sign up page in time, now's your chance!

Thanks Mrs. Wnuk!

Sign up page:


Girl Scouts: Little House Trip in April

Hi everyone!

I know girl scout event registrations are coming fast-and-furious right now and I'm sorry about that.  There are just a lot of things either happening now, or that get filled up really fast, so I'm getting them locked in now!  On the plus side, as spring rolls around, I won't have to send nearly as many emails, and you won't have to read them!

One of the events that gets filled SUPER fast is the Little House on the Prairie event in April.  This year it's at Old World Wisconsin, on April 17th from 1:00-4:00.  

Here's the description:
Little House on the Prairie
Experience the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder as you reenact the prairie days. Activities include churning butter, chinking (a step in log cabin building), processing wool and playing games.
Focus: Arts & Culture
Little House on the Prairie  $16

Some of you might remember me announcing it and getting interested names earlier in the year, but since we've had some new scouts join us since then, I figured I'd announce it one last time before I sent the money in and locked in our registrations.

Here are the scouts I have signed up so far:


Any add-ons?

Happy Scouting!


Sunday, November 29, 2015

Girl Scouts: Happy December!

Hi everyone!

Just 4 quick bits for everyone:

1)  Taste The Future Sleepover at Discovery World
The Deadline's coming up soon!  Register here if you have PAC's you earned at the nut sale or cookie sale that you want to use:  https://gsusa.ebiz.uapps.net/vp/Home.aspx

Here's who I see has registered so far:
Hannah Schlicht 
Lia Stoney 
Genevieve Skibicki 
Maya Hartman 
Meghashri Muralidharan 
Alison Depp 

If you're in 4th grade and want to register, make sure you use Troop 8035
If you're in 5th grade and want to register, make sure you use Troop 8036

2)  Nursing Home Visits
Make sure to sign up, if you haven't yet!

3) December Meetings
The College Park meeting is coming up THIS Thursday.  Sign up ASAP.

4) Girl Scout Wave Game 
I need final answers as soon as possible, and if possible, it would be AWESOME to have registration fees turned in Monday.  (I can come pick them up, or you can drop them off at our house any time between now and then too.)  I'd like to get the registration form turned in to the Wave on Monday/Tuesday, and the total's going to be big enough that it'd be great to have the money in hand when the order is placed.  As always, the troop can pay for a girl's ticket/registration if the girl wants to go and it would be tough for the family financially.  
Here's who I have on the list, and for which choice (game only, lock in/movie until midnight, or overnight until 8 AM).  Remember, this'll be the January 30th game that starts at 6:05 PM.  There's still time to register, or change your choice of what parts you want to attend.

Isabel and Family 3xGame Only
Hannah and Family 4xGame Only
Katie and Mom 2xGame Only
Evie and Dad 2xOvernight      
Lauren P.  1xOvernight
Elli C. 4xLock In
Megha M.  1xOvernight
Alyssa 5xLock In
Alison D. 1xOvernight 3xGame Only
Maya H.  1xOvernight

Need Info:
Lara E. 3xGame or Lock In $____   
Lilly P.  3x_______    

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Girl Scouts: Here's the nursing home visit sign up I promised last night!

Hello again!

Ok!  Those of you who powered through the email last night (it was a long one!) know that Ms. Kelly  has organized a visit to the Elizabeth Residence Nursing Home (Thanks!) for our scouts to spend some time with the folks living there--play some games, do some crafts, and provide a rewarding experience for everyone involved.

To keep the numbers manageable, the nursing home gave us 4 days to choose from but asked that only 8 scouts attend each day.

Please sign up here for the day that works best for you:  http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0a4fa5ad22a13-nursing1

Thanks, and Happy Thanksgiving!


Monday, November 23, 2015

Girl Scouts: OK, Here we go!

OK Scouts, there's a lot coming up, so here we go!

1)  First, I want to take a minute and call out a couple amazing scouts from the Raingutter Regatta today.  Lia and Portia didn't win the regatta, but they showed off exactly what a Girl Scout (and just a darn good person) should be.  Both of those girls had the chance to win a race against a kindergartner today, but chose not to, and gave the younger girls a wonderful experience and a wonderful memory.   Girl Scouting is not about blowing a boat really really fast.  It IS about growing as a person and learning how to make the world a better place.  Lia and Portia made the world a better place today, and that's pretty cool.

2)   December meetings are sneaking up on us!  (YIKES!)  I see that our first meeting for the month is scheduled at College Park on 12/3.  So, here's the Sign Up Genius Link for December meetings.  As usual, I can stretch past 15 scouts attending if I get more parent helpers at a meeting. Here's the link:  http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4FA5AD22A13-december

3)  Due to popular demand, I've included the recipe for the Pumpkin Pie in a Mug as an attachment.  It's all ready for customization too.  I plan to try replacing the cookie-crust with a graham cracker and butter crust.  And I think I'll try adding a bunch of cream cheese and making it like a Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake in a Mug.  (That's for you Teagan!)

4)  Speaking of cooking--make sure you make the scouts help with any Thanksgiving cooking you do.  I'm looking forward to hearing lots of good cooking stories in our December meetings.  We're going to have some executive chefs from the area coming in to talk with the girls in December, and it'll be great for the girls to have experiences to share!  (Also, we did talk about how cleaning up afterwards IS a part of cooking, so make sure the girls help clean up too!)

5)  Wave Girl Scout Game.  I need final answers as soon as possible, and if possible, it would be AWESOME to have registration fees turned in Monday.  (I can come pick them up, or you can drop them off at our house any time between now and then too.)  I'd like to get the registration form turned in to the Wave on Monday/Tuesday, and the total's going to be big enough that it'd be great to have the money in hand when the order is placed.  As always, the troop can pay for a girl's ticket/registration if the girl wants to go and it would be tough for the family financially.  
Here's who I have on the list, and for which choice (game only, lock in/movie until midnight, or overnight until 8 AM).  Remember, this'll be the January 30th game that starts at 6:05 PM.  There's still time to register, or change your choice of what parts ou want to attend.

Isabel and Family 3xGame Only
Hannah and Family 4xGame Only
Katie and Mom 2xGame Only
Evie and Dad 2xOvernight      
Lauren P.  1xOvernight
Elli C. 4xLock In
Megha M.  1xOvernight
Alyssa 5xLock In

Need Info:
Lara E. 3xGame or Lock In $____   
Lilly P.  3x_______    

6)  Finally, the Taste the Future event at Discovery World.  I see Hannah S., Megha, Evie, and Alison signed up so far at ebiz ( https://gsusa.ebiz.uapps.net/vp/Home.aspx ) If you want to register, please sign up there.  If you have PAC's earned from Cookie or Nut sales, that's where you have to register to use them.  If there are fees left over, and you need the troop to help pay, we'll reimburse you the difference.  The Discovery World sleepovers are pretty fun, and this one should be a new experience for the girls (it's brand new this year!) Registration on ebiz is closing soon, so hurry!  Parents can sign up too if you want to be there for/with your scout.

December 18-19 Taste the Future Overnight Event 7:00PM 12/18- 7:00AM 12/19
$35/Scout, $10/Adult
Discovery World Museum
Come experience Discovery World's interactive exhibits after dark!  Enjoy spending time at Discovery World, and then participate in a hands-on lab exploring your taste buds and learning about innovations meant to fool your senses.  End the night watching a movie in our theatres wake up to a sunrise over Lake Michigan.

7)  2015 Nursing Home Visits.  Last year the massive flu outbreak forced us to cancel our visit to the Elizabeth Manor nursing home.  SO, let's cross our fingers for a healthy 2015!  Ms. Kelly has set up a couple days to visit this year to play games, do crafts, and generally provide an enriching experience for everyone involved.  We're wrapping up a couple details, but expect a sign up for that to come out in the next day or two!

That's about all,

See you back at school!


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Girl Scouts: Reminder--Raingutter Regatta Monday! (And keep your etes on your inbox...)

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to get a reminder out tonight about the Raingutter Sailboat Race on Monday.  

6:00, in the Highland View Gym for those of you with a boat!  

See you there!

Also, there are a handful of big things coming up.  Keep an eye on your inbox tomorrow!


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Girl Scouts: Is anyone available to help out at the meeting tomorrow?


Mrs. Skibicki is going to be working tomorrow, so it'll Be Mrs. Amenda and I.  That satisfies the safety rules for Scouts, but if we could have one more parent there on Thursday it would make the meeting run a lot more smoothly and easily.

Can anyone join us for an afternoon of cooking and fun?  



Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Girl Scouts: I was right--one more thing!


A couple middle school troops are offering some child care so parents can do easier holiday shopping this year.  I've included the flyer.

It's December 12th, from either 9-12 or 1-4 at St. Thomas Church (7255 W. Grange Ave.)

It might be handy!  Email them if you're interested!

From the flyer:
"Please reserve your session via email:
Please include your name and the names of children
you'd like to have aend."

Thanks, and hope it helps make life easier!


Girl Scouts: This one's for everyone--3 updates!

Hi everyone!

3 Quick things:

1)  You'll get your nut sale stuff soon!  I've picked it up from Girl Scouts and Ms. Kelly picked it up from me.  She'll be in touch (or may have been already!) with how you can get your stuff from her!

2)  Highland View meetings this week!  MAKE SURE YOUR SCOUT'S MEETING CHOICE IS INCLUDED IN THEIR AGENDA OR OTHER COMMUNICATION TO THEIR TEACHER.  Also, make sure to bring a microwaveable coffee mug to the meeting.  We had a ton of fun with this cooking at College Park last week, and I think it'll be good for Highland View too.  Since we're cooking a grilled cheese sandwich and a dessert, you may not need to feed your scout much dinner on meeting day.  If you have't signed up for a date yet, sign up here:  http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0a4fa5ad22a13-november1

3)  Wave Soccer Night.  I'm going to turn in our registration soon. Here's who I have as interested so far.  I don't know everyone's choice between: Game Only, OR Lock In Until Midnight, OR Sleep Over Until 8AM, so if there's a blank by your name, please let me know which choice your scout is interested in.  I've included the info as an attachment again.

Isabel and Family 3xGame only
Hannah and Family 4x _________
Katie and Mom 2xGame only
Evie and Dad 2x Overnight
Lilly P.  1x ________
Lauren P.  1xOvernight
Lara E. 3x_______
Elli C. 4xGame OR Lock In
Megha M.  1xOvernight

Thanks!  I feel like there was a 4th thing I had to ask everyone, but can't remember right now.  You may be in for another email from me soon though!


Girl Scout Wave night and previously purchased tickets

Hi everyone,

Ignore this email if you or your scout :  A)  Weren't going to attend the Wave Girl Scout night on 1/30, or B) Did not have previously purchased tickets for that game through a different source (Wave Kid's Club, etc.)

IF you DID previously purchase tickets to the 1/30 game, AND are planning to attend the scout night, then this is for you.

In summary:  They're able to switch previous tickets to a different game (including non-kids club home games).  You'd just have to contact Ryan with the changes you'd like. 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Girl Scouts: Third time's a charm? Anyone want to go to Discovery World tomorrow?

Hi everyone, (again!)

There's a last minute cancellation for Discovery World tomorrow.  Since the money's been sent in for a while now, and it's too late to get a refund from Discovery World, is there anyone that isn't going that would like to go to the Jr. Detective Workshop at Discovery World tomorrow night?

"A crime has been committed at Discovery World, and
we need your help to figure out who did it! Become a
detective, and learn how to decode messages, identify
fingerprints, and use microscopes to analyze hair
samples left at the scene. Gather evidence from the
crime scene and see if you can solve the mystery!"


Ooops! Forgot the permission slip. Here it is.

Hi again. 

Here's that slip as an attachment.  I've included a .jpg you can print and scan and send back or send along with your scout, or a .pdf if you prefer to fill the fields in electronically.


Girl Scouts: Great Meeting! Thanks Mrs. Pintar and Mrs. Skibicki! Discovery World Tomorrow!

Hello everyone!

First of all, that was a great meeting.  Thanks Mrs. Pintar and Mrs. Skibicki for making it go so smoothly.  

Some of the girls really got into some creative cooking with their Thanksgiving Dinner Grilled Cheese Sandwiches.  Make sure to ask your scout what was in her delicious creation.  We also made our pumpkin pies in our coffee cups which turned out pretty well--we'll have to have a talk with some of our scouts about being fair and not sneaking so much whipped cream that there's none left for the girls at the end of the meeting though.  Finally, we talked about the things cooks have to consider when they're making a meal for other people--everything from allergies and personal tastes, to the costs of ingredients and availability of cooking methods.  

Second, here's who I'm expecting at our house (4256 Teakwood Ct. Greendale, WI 53129) at 5:00 tomorrow for our Junior Detectives Discovery World Trip.  I'm looking forward to it!

I've included the permission slip again in case anyone still needs it.  My Cell Number is 414-595-6668 if you need to reach me during the event.  

Finally, here are the super-amazing, totally awesome, drivers I have signed up for tomorrow.  Am I missing anyone?

Madison's family
Samantha's family
Kahlen's family
Teagan's family
Evie's family
Tiki/Emmi's family
Portia's family
Ashley's family (driving there) + Kathleen (bringing back)

Thanks so much!


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Girl Scouts & Strikers: Wave event this year--super cool!

Hello everyone!

I just got a call and email from the new Wave Girl Scout rep about this year's GS Wave game.  Just like in the past, when there are soccer opportunities I'll abuse my power as a troop leader to make our Strikers honorary Girl Scouts for the day too.  (Coaches Ken and Justin--if you want to invite any Breakers, they're welcome too.)

The game is 1/30 at 6:05, against Cedar Rapids/

This year, in addition to just having a Girl Scout game, they've added some pretty cool sounding options:

1)  A "game only" option.  The girls can see the game, and also stay after for a post-game activity.
2)  In addition to the game and the post game activity, the girls can opt to be part of a "lock in" at the arena and watch Big Hero 6 on the jumbo screens after the game, (popcorn and soda included) and stick around the stadium until midnight.
3)  The girls can opt to do the lock in/movie AND sleep over at the stadium too (Pick up at 8AM the next morning.)

All the options include a Wave shirt and patch and Girl Scout Parade before the game.

For VIP seating, option 1 costs $20, option 2 costs $25 and option 3 costs $30.  

It's the same price for kids as adults, as far as I can tell, so that's actually a pretty sweet price for just the VIP level tickets.

I've included the flyer's basic info here. (I'm assuming it is for 2016, and that's just a typo.)  I've also included the whole .pdf with pricing etc. as an attachment.  

Anyone interested?  For anyone that already has Wave tickets from camp, or kids club, I sent an email to ask the rep how those tickets match up with this event since we already have 3 tickets to the game!


Inline image

Girl Scouts: Meeting at College Park Tomorrow!

Hi everyone!

Just a reminder for those of you signed up to meet at College Park tomorrow:

1)  If your scout is a CP student, and is going to the meeting right after school, make sure your teacher knows!  (I don't want anyone accidentally going home on the bus or waiting outside for a ride home that's not coming until 5:00! )

2)  Bring a coffee cup!  We'l be making pumpkin pies in a coffee mug!

3)  If anyone can bring a plug in griddle, that would be fantastic.  We're making thanksgiving-dinner grilled cheese sandwiches too, and having a little more room for the girls to spread out on the griddles would also be great.

(In our discussion last month, it turned out our girls would love to be world famous bakers, love thanksgiving, and have some experience making grilled cheese sandwiches, so voila! Our cooking badge work for November!)

4)  If you didn't sign up for a meeting this month, there;s still time.  Sign up here:

Thanks and see you soon!


Monday, November 9, 2015

Girl Scouts: Raingutter Boats on the way, PLUS Discovery World Friday PLUS meeting question

Hello everyone!

2 Quickies:

1)  I have Raingutter Regatta boat kits!  I'll be sending them home over the next couple of days through school.  Here's who I have signed up, but I have an extra boat so I don't know if I'm missing someone, or just a bad counter.  If you signed up but aren't on this list, let me know! (Also, I'm not sure whether Mrs. Roberts sent Ava's boat through her troop or through ours, so Leah, let me know!)

Olivia Kr.
Lilly P.

2)  Discovery World Junior Detectives this Friday.  I've included the permission slip (filled in this time!) so you can fill in the parent parts and email it back or bring it with your scout on Friday.  We'll meet up at our house at 5:00 (A little change there--it's not 5:15!) with the aim of getting there by 6:00 when the lab starts.  At the moment, we're still short by 2 car spaces, so if you can drive that would be great!  Unlike our previous trips this year, drivers won't be drafted into doing anything extra when we're at the event.  This one is all done by Discovery World; grown ups get to sit back and enjoy the show.

Also, if anyone's planning on cancelling, don't wait to the last minute!  There is a girl on a "waiting list" if a spot opens up.

Here are the drivers I'm relying on:
Mrs. Amenda
Mr. Fronek
Mr. Connor
Mrs. Randow
One more!

3)  A quick meeting request:  Does anyone else have a plug-in griddle they could bring to the meeting?  Since we're cooking simple meals, having the extra room for the girls to spread out a bit would be incredibly useful.  (Don't forget for each girl to bring a microwaveable coffee mug too!)

4)  Finally, I know we have a lot of talent in this group, and a lot of connections.  In addition to what we're doing this meeting--cooking--I'd love it if a professional chef would be able to visit our girls and share their expertise.  Does anyone know anyone who would be available after school for the three meeting days in December (December 3rd, 9th, and 16th)?  (Or any of the meeting days in December?  If we can get multiple speakers, we can share the days.)

Thanks everyone, Happy Scouting!


Friday, November 6, 2015

Girl Scouts: Contact Info


A couple parents sent their permission slips for Discovery World tonight in and I saw that the info I had filled in on the top didn't get saved!

So, my cell number is 


We'll be at Discovery World whose number is 765-9966

See you tonight!


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Girl Scouts: 5 Very VERY Important Notes!

Hello everyone!

There are a lot of BIG things coming up, so here's what everyone needs to know:

1)  Cub Scouts vs. Girl Scouts Raingutter Regatta  I'll have the boat kits for the girls who signed up in hand on Friday, and will get them to scouts throughout next week.  The event is on 11/23 at Highland View.  You can pay for the boat kit at the event.

2)  This Friday's Discovery World STEMFest event:  We have enough drivers!  Woohoo!  No one has to walk, so that's nice.  The plan is to meet at our house at 4:15, unless you're one of the families with whom I've already talked about alternatives.  Traditionally we're back at our house by 8:45 for events at Discovery World.    

3)  November Meeting Sign Ups are live.  I'm always looking for the extra parent help.  We'll be doing some cooking based activities this month--our badgework matches up just right with Thanksgiving.  Every girl will need to bring a microwaveable coffee mug with her to the meeting for one of the activities.  Here's the sign up page:

4)  Discovery World Taste The Future Overnight Event December 18-19th.  These Discovery World Overnight events are always a blast.  This one is new for this year, so even the girls that did the Spa Chemistry Sleepover the last couple of years should have an exciting time.
Here's the summary:

18-19 Taste the Future Overnight Event 7:00PM 12/18- 7:00AM 12/19
$35/Scout, $10/Adult
Discovery World Museum
Come experience Discovery World's interactive exhibits after dark!  Enjoy spending time at Discovery World, and then participate in a hands-on lab exploring your taste buds and learning about innovations meant to fool your senses.  End the night watching a movie in our theatres wake up to a sunrise over Lake Michigan.

We're going to try to register for this one a little differently than in the past.  I'm going to have everyone get used to their Girl Scout ebiz accounts to register themselves.  Many of you have already used it.  If you haven't, you find the site here:  https://gsusa.ebiz.uapps.net/vp/Home.aspx  The big advantage of registering this way is that if girls earned PAC's from the cookie sale, or from the nut sale (which you'll get after the 14th) you can use them on ebiz to pay for events.

If you haven't used the site, you'll have to set up an account, you can do that from that page.  Our Troop number is 8035 (or 08035) for 4th graders, and 8036 for 5th graders (or 08036).  If you never registered your scout as a scout, you can also set up your scout registration there too.  

Once you're logged in, click on the "Activities" tab. 

Then search for "Taste."

The first event that comes up on that search is the "Taste the Future Sleepover"

Click on the name of the event, then scroll to the bottom and click on the "Register Now" button.

The rest should be pretty straightforward! 

If you have questions, let me know and I'll figure out what's wrong.  If you need the troop to cover the admission for the event, let me know and I'll do the registration.

5)  NEXT Friday 11/13 has another Discovery World Event.  The Junior Detectives badge event!  This one should be a lot of fun.  The list of who signed up is below.   As you can see, that's 27 scouts!  So, starting with 8 car spaces available, we'll need 19 more!  This event is only from 6:00 to 8:00, so we'll meet at our house at 5:15 and be back around 8:45.  Please let me know if you can carpool.  As always, if you can drive other scouts, then your parking and registration for your scout will be covered by the troop. 

Just a note:  The money's already been paid, so anyone who cancels at this point and can't find a replacement will still be responsible for the registration fee.


That's about it!  See you soon!


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Girl Scouts: Discovery World 20/23rds there!

Hello again!

Just a quick bump.  We're up to 20 car spots for 23 girls.  So if one more person can drive with us to Discovery World, we won't have to leave anyone behind!  Remember, if you drive other scouts to an event, the troop'll cover your registration and parking!  (Meeting at our house at 4:15 to depart, and returning around 8:45 ish.)

Here are the drivers I know about so far :

Mrs. Randow
Mrs. Jansen
Mrs. Bruss
Mrs. Fronek (to DW) Mrs. Skibicki (back from DW)

Here are the scouts who want to go to DW (in case anyone needs to remember whether they signed up or not!) :


Monday, November 2, 2015

Girl Scouts: Ooops! Forgot the other important part!

Hi again!

I completely forgot the actual intinerary details! 

We'll be meeting at our house at 4:15 on Friday, and carpooling to Discovery World (hoping to arrive at 5:00) 

We'll check in there and get to our Lab Activity for 5:30, and after the lab will spend until  8:00 exploring Discovery World and the STEMFest exhibits.  We'l head home then, and should be back home between 8:45 and 9:00.  

Thanks to Alexis' very attentive family for noticing that I eft the important parts out!


Girl Scouts: STEM Fest Friday Details

Hello everyone!

Happy Monday--and welcome to a BUSY November.

First up, STEMFest at Discovery World this Friday.  In addition to a TON of science and engineering related activities and freebies, and our Lab Activity of upcycling paper flower vases,I scheduled in a longer time for the girls to explore Discovery World this year.  

I have 23 girls signed up! I have 8 car spaces between my van and Katie's mom's car so far. Which means we need MORE drivers.  Parents can stick around and explore STEMFest with us, but don't have to.  It is a lot of fun and has a lot of groups from all over Wisconsi there to share what they do.

Here's who I have listed as attending:

Jesi P-K.
Adrhia F-M.
Lillian U.
Lauren P.
Olivia Kr.
Alison D.
Lia S.
Scarlett M.
Liliana K.
Ashlee F.
Hannah S.
Maya H.
Carrie J.
Evie S.
Makenzie S. 
Megha M.
Aria K.
Kahlen W.
Dea S.
Portia P.
Alexis B.
Gretta H.
Katie B.

Thanks a million, and happy Scouting!


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Girl Scouts: Raingutter Regatta clarifications!

Hi everyone!

Just a couple quick clarifications on the raingutter regatta for 11/23:

Everyone getting this email can participate!  I said "Highland View Scouts" but that includes our whole troop, no matter what school you actually  go to!

The boat kits are $6.00, and Caroline Roberts the 1st grade troop leader will buy them all for us next week so I can get them to any participating scouts by next Friday.  I just need to give her a number by Monday.

I hope that clears things up!


Monday, October 26, 2015

Girl Scouts: Return of the Boy Scout vs. Girl Scout Raingutter Regatta!

Announcing the


November 23rd from 6:00-8:00 in the Highland View Gym, the Girl Scouts will take on the Cub Scouts in a race for the ages.  

What's a "Raingutter Regatta?"  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raingutter_regatta

I have to get numbers of interested girls to Mrs. Roberts to buy boats by November 2nd.  Boat kits are $6.00, so let's represent the girls!

The boats require minimal preparation, and the girls should have fun decorating them however they like.  This year, there'll be 4 racing lanes, so everyone can get a couple runs, and a contest for "best decorated" boat.  Patches for everyone will be provided, and the top boy and girl racers will get trophies!

Happy Scouting!

Aleks Skibicki

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Girl Scouts: UWM Volleyball Saturday itinerary

Hi (again!)

Just a quick intinerary for Saturday.

The game starts at UWM at the Klotsche Center at 4:00, so we'll meet up at our house at 3:15 to get driving at 3:30.  I'm not entirely sure how long a college-level women's volleyball game takes, nor how long the post-game activity for the girls will be, but if we assume that we'll be leaving around 6:00, we should be back at our house at 6:30. 

Make sure you send emergency contact information with your scout.  You shouldn't need any extra money, since the $3 included the ticket, hot dog, soda, and patch.

Here's who I'm expecting at our house 3:15, (and the only people who'll have tickets!)  :

Driving with the Skibicki's:

Lauren P.
Alison D.
Evie S.
Makenzie S.
Megha M.
Aleks S
Kathleen S.

Driving with the Persike;s

Kendra P.
Skye P.
Michelle P.

See you Saturday!


Girl Scouts: Meeting at College Park today--attendance list and reminder

Hi everyone,

Just a quick reminder for everyone who signed up at the meeting at College Park today:


Here's who I'm expecting:

Bryn R.
Maya H.
Alexis B. 
Olivia K.
Megha M. 
Lauren P. 
Lara E. 
Hannah S. 
Sophia V. 
Ashlee F. 
Grace U.
Jane U.
Dea S. 
Jesialis P. 
Carrie J. 
Madison M. 


Friday, October 16, 2015

Girl Scouts: Craft Update!


As of 5 minutes ago, the envelopes with the bigger safety pins and direction sheets are in teachers' mailboxes.

Happy crafting!


Thursday, October 15, 2015

Girl Scouts: Craft corrections!

Hello everyone!

It was a fun meeting today--thanks to Ms. Erica, Ms. Kathleen, and Ms. Kelly!  There was one misstep though:  the safety pins I brought to the meeting for the craft (a beaded pumpkin pin) were too small!

Every girl brought home a handful of what must have looked like safety pins with randomly arranged beads on them.   However, if you hang those pins in the right order from another safety pin, they'll make a cute pumpkin face.  

For the girls at the meeting today, expect to get an envelope home from school tomorrow with 2 things in it:  

1)  a larger safety pin, and
2)  a sheet showing the proper order of the beaded pins.  

In the end, the pin should look like this:

Inline image

Happy weekend!


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Girl Scouts: October 17th Old World Wisconsin Halloween Event

Hello everyone!

Just some itinerary information for the 10/17 Old World Wisconsin Legends and Lore event.

1)  Plan on meeting up at our house between 4:00-4:15 so we can get on the road by 4:30. (That's both if you need a ride, and if you have any space available in your car.)
2)  We have enough car spaces available for folks who already told me they need rides, but there will be a lot of us, so if you have a seat in your vehicle, meet up at our house--we'd appreciate being able to spread the girls out a little more.
3)  While it sounds like a long time, there's a ton to do at OWW.  I don't expect we'll be getting out of there until pretty close to the end time of 9:00, so expect us to arrive back in Greendale between 9:30 and 9:45.
4)  There will be food available for purchase there, so you can plan on having dinner there.  If your scout is riding up with someone else, please send some money for something to eat--we may split into smaller groups to help us not have to wait in the same long lines, and it'll be handy if the girls have their own money for food.  If I remember right from years past, $5-$10 should be MORE than enough.  
5)  I have enough coupons for everyone to get the $2 admission discount, so kids 5-17 will be $5, adults will be $8, and under 5 year olds will be free.

If you haven't told me you wanted to go yet, there's no registration necessary, but you may need to drive your scout there--car space is limited.

ALSO:  There are scout meetings coming up the next two weeks.  Make sure, as always, to have your scout's agenda marked or have some other note to the teacher saying when they're going to scouts instead of home after school.


See you all soon,

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Girl Scouts: October Meeting, Events, and Rides

Hello Girl Scouts!

Welcome to October!  We have a fun month in store.  

First, we have our regularly scheduled meetings:

October 15th, or 21st at highland View or October 22nd at College Park.  For those of you new to the group, we repeat the same meeting three times because we have so many girls in the troop.  You can pick whichever one you want to go to.  We cap each meeting at 15 girls initially, but when a parent signs up to help, we can expand the numbers.  IF you know you can't help and really have to have a specific meeting date, sign up fast!  For safety (and sanity) reasons we have to stay at a certain girl to adult ratio.

Here's the link to sign up for the meeting you want:

Second, we have our second annual scout trip to the Spooky Old World Wisconsin Halloween Event.

So far I have 16 Scouts interested in going.  I already have transportation for 8 of them, so I'll need a few more seats to open up!  Who can help drive?  If you're not on the list--no problem, there's no deadline for this one (except if your scout will need a ride, then someone has to know ahead of time!)  Also, this is one event that siblings are welcome to attend if they want.    Admission is:  Adults $10, children 5-17 $7, children 4 and under free (best enjoyed by children 8 and older).  I have coupons for $2 off for everyone though, bringing it down to $8 for adults and $5 for 5-17 year olds.

Here's who I have signed up to go:
Adrhia F.
Ashlee F.
Teagan A.(?)
Lauren P. PD
Lillian U.
Olivia Kr.
Alison D.
Maya H.
Evie S.
Alison D.
Aria K.
Kahlen W.
Dea S.
Portia P.
Alexis B.
Megha M.

Third, there's the UWM Women's Volleyball game on 10/24 at 4:00 at UWM.  $3 gets you a ticket, patch, hot dog, and soda.  I only have Evie and Lauren as interested so far.  Anyone else?

Thanks!  And happy scouting!
