Monday, June 5, 2023

Girl Scouts: Friday Event, Gold Award Update re: Format and Homework

Hi everyone!

First:  Reminder we're doing Face Painting at the School's Out Event on Friday 3-8!  Wear clothes you don't mind getting painted (I remember last year!)  Please let me know ASAP about your attendance (Yes or No)  

Second:  Thanks for a pretty productive Sunday Morning.  The girls there got solid ideas, dug down into root causes, and built a list of names to be Gold Award Advisors for each.

Here's the homework we talked about at the end of the event.  When you get these 7 done, we'll get them into the official Highest Award application, and set up your appointment with Girl Scouts to get your proposal reviewed for approval.  

Make a Google Doc that includes:

1)  The problem you decided to try to solve.  The problem has to have a specific harm you addressing.  Include 2-4 paragraphs describing the problem, the harm it causes (to individuals, the planet, etc.), and include research to find at least 3 "numbers" or statistics to include in your description.  (For example, if the problem was women being underrepresented in STEM you could include the % of women entering STEM fields or enrolled/completing STEM majors in college and the reasons why having greater representation of women in STEM fields is advantageous, etc.)

2)  A 2-3 level "deep dig" on the root causes of the problem in #1.  (I.e. What is a cause, of a cause, of the cause for the problem. For example: if the problem is discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community, a surface cause could be that people don't know that there are LGBTQ+ people in the community, a cause of that could be that LGBTQ+ people aren't represented in the art/decoration/media around the village.

3)  A description of your project idea.

4)  A 2-3 paragraph description of how your project addresses the deeper/root cause you identified in #2.  If possible, research and statistics will make this much stronger too. (For example:  In a study done by group X, they found that when people learned that someone they knew was LGBTQ+, they were X% more likely to change their attitudes towards that community.)

5)  National/Global Links:  Names of organizations that work with your issue on a national or global level, or national/global projects that are also tackling your issue.  Include a plan to reach out tot hese organizations for advice, information, etc.  Also include why your issue IS a national/global issue, and not just something only affecting your individual school/village--once again, research is a great addition here.  (Your project  doesn't have to solve your issue on a National/Global level, just show how it is an issue that is "big.")

6)  Potential Advisors:  3 Names of people who have expertise in a field related to your project, and their contact information.  Prepare a plan to reach out to them about being your Gold Award Advisor.  Note:  these cannot be parents or Girl Scout adult volunteers.

7)  Potential Award Team:  The Gold Award is all about leadership and leading a team.  Put together  a list of as many people as possible that you could potentially bring together to work on your project under your leadership.

Friday, June 2, 2023

Girl Scouts: Gold and PatchPalooza Sunday

Hi everyone,

First:  Thanks to the girls who went to the celebrate the promise event yesterday--you were stars!  I've already heard from people about how impressed they were, and they invited us to handle the Girl Scout area at Discovery World's Women in STEM event next year--and are giving us a cookie booth there too!

Second:  No one replied about a Gold Award Day Sunday, but the girls at Celebrate the Promise talked, and we'll plan on getting together from 10:00-11:30 Sunday morning.  On the agenda:  Finalize initial ideas, brainstorm potential teams, and put together lists of Award Advisors for each girl to reach out to to.  Also:  we'll crack open my bag of leftover patches and girls can replace any they're missing or collect any they think are appropriate.

Please let me know if you can join us Sunday morning!
