Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Still looking for a date to do something fun! Also: Girl Scout SONG Contest!

Hi everyone,

#1)  A couple notes:  I only heard from one person about potential dates to do something fun for a meeting.  If you have ideas, please share.  Tubing again? Escape Room again? Splatter party? Something new?  Waffle party?  Just hang out time?  

What days of the week are generally free for everyone?  Tuesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday evenings ok?

#2)  Short timeline, but if anyone's interested in getting some scouts together together before Monday to do this, that would be awesome:

Girl Scout Cookie Musical Parody Contest

If you love Girl Scout Cookies and singing, it's time to get artistic and create a Girl Scout Cookie Musical Parody! Either sing by yourself or gather up with other Girl Scouts, choose any song, add your cookie-themed spin to it (new lyrics, props, etc.), and submit your video. The top three parody videos submitted will be featured in our upcoming Virtual Cookie Rally! (Note that submitters will need to save the video file in a cloud-based storage space and share the direct link to the video file with council.)

Submit Parody by January 16