Monday, December 26, 2022

Girl Scouts: Something Fun, and Something Else Fun!

Hi everyone!

First:  Happy Holidays; I hope you're all staying warm!

Second:  Evie suggested we do something fun, and that sounds like a great idea.  Would anyone be interested in doing just a fun scout-night-splatter-room-party at Field Workshop one of these days coming up?  Between Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday nights, which is better for everyone?

Third:  We've been invited to bring the robot we brought to the Girl Scout Zoo Day to the Girl Scout Cookie Kickoff Party and Admirals game on February 4th.  We'd run it as a "Robot Cookie Delivery Station" and would all get free tickets to the Admirals game that evening that's connected to the kickoff event.  We'd be responsible for being at the kickoff event from 1:00-6:00PM, and could stay for the admirals game or head home, whichever you prefer.  I need to have numbers to scouts pretty quickly, so let me know if you're interested ASAP!

Fourth:  Enjoy the rest of your break, and Happy New Year!


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