Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Girl Scouts: reminder--cookie orders due Monday!

Hi everyone!

Just a quick reminder that any cookie pre-orders from the girls are due Monday.  (Preferably early Monday so I have time to send them to Girl Scouts!)  In addition to things like chaperone costs, and to cover event registrations for scouts that might need financial help, cookie money paid for everyone's registration in scouts for the year (which is $50 now!) and the September Campout, and are a very important factor Girl Scouts looks at when girls apply for things like board positions, destinations trips, legislative days, or other special leadership opportunities.

While we will have a few cookie booths scheduled this year, it's the individual sales that really make the difference. So I hope everyone participates.  And, as most of you probably know, these initial orders aren't final--you'll be able to add orders for friends and family through March!

To make my life easier, it would be awesome if you could send your orders to me by just copy and pasting this list and order and including your number of boxes on each line (even zeroes) :

Thin Mints:  
Peanut Butter Patties:  
Caramel deLites:  
Peanut Butter Sandwich:  

Thanks so much!  (And get ready for Discovery World Feb 7-8th!)



  1. hello will there be another father daugther dance this year if so when?

    1. There are plans to have one, but no date is set yet. Our guess is late April though.

  2. There are plans to have one, but no date is set yet. Our guess is late April though.

  3. Do you know when this will be scheduled I know the last couple of years it was decided early Feb. Ty
