Sunday, February 9, 2020

Girl Scouts: P.S. Meeting this Wednesday--notes and needs!

Hi again everyone,

Just a reminder there's a planning meeting this Wednesday (so 3:00-4:30) BUT it'll actually be mostly occupied by getting the interview done with Officer Vlaj.  We have a nice multi-mic set up to use now, so it should be a lot of fun!  Officer Vlaj is coming right after school, so it'll be good to have as many girls there as possible so some can start setting up the set, and others can start prepping the interviewers, and others can start prepping Officer Vlaj when he arrives.

Needs for Wednesday:

We need to get the list of questions ASAP so we can send them to Officer Vlaj, so he's ready, and also so we can make the cue-cards so our interviewers don't need to read papers in front of them.

That's actually about it!  Everything else is just about ready.  

See you Wednesday!


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