Thursday, February 13, 2020

P.S. Cookies!

Hi again!

I forgot to add a couple quick cookie notes:

#1)  I'm scheduled to pick them up tomorrow (Friday 2/14) at 1:00PM from the Franklin Fire Department.  I should have enough room in my van to bring them all, if I fill it to the brim.  BUT, is anyone available around 1:00 tomorrow (Friday) to help?  It would take the presure off, and be appreciated!

#2)  Because we'll be unavailable through most of Friday night and Saturday, the cookies will be ready for you all to pick up on Sunday any time before 4:00.  (Bonus--if you help pick up on Friday you can take your cookies then too and get a little head start!)  Please let me know when you're coming by text- 414-595-6668, so I can make sure to not have stepped out for anything else.

#3)  Not cookies:  Remember CraftCon 2020 was cancelled for lack of registered troops, so don't go to GMS Friday night!


1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    I know last few years the father daughter dance was scheduled early feb for april, do you know the date yet thanks
