Monday, November 23, 2015

Girl Scouts: OK, Here we go!

OK Scouts, there's a lot coming up, so here we go!

1)  First, I want to take a minute and call out a couple amazing scouts from the Raingutter Regatta today.  Lia and Portia didn't win the regatta, but they showed off exactly what a Girl Scout (and just a darn good person) should be.  Both of those girls had the chance to win a race against a kindergartner today, but chose not to, and gave the younger girls a wonderful experience and a wonderful memory.   Girl Scouting is not about blowing a boat really really fast.  It IS about growing as a person and learning how to make the world a better place.  Lia and Portia made the world a better place today, and that's pretty cool.

2)   December meetings are sneaking up on us!  (YIKES!)  I see that our first meeting for the month is scheduled at College Park on 12/3.  So, here's the Sign Up Genius Link for December meetings.  As usual, I can stretch past 15 scouts attending if I get more parent helpers at a meeting. Here's the link:

3)  Due to popular demand, I've included the recipe for the Pumpkin Pie in a Mug as an attachment.  It's all ready for customization too.  I plan to try replacing the cookie-crust with a graham cracker and butter crust.  And I think I'll try adding a bunch of cream cheese and making it like a Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake in a Mug.  (That's for you Teagan!)

4)  Speaking of cooking--make sure you make the scouts help with any Thanksgiving cooking you do.  I'm looking forward to hearing lots of good cooking stories in our December meetings.  We're going to have some executive chefs from the area coming in to talk with the girls in December, and it'll be great for the girls to have experiences to share!  (Also, we did talk about how cleaning up afterwards IS a part of cooking, so make sure the girls help clean up too!)

5)  Wave Girl Scout Game.  I need final answers as soon as possible, and if possible, it would be AWESOME to have registration fees turned in Monday.  (I can come pick them up, or you can drop them off at our house any time between now and then too.)  I'd like to get the registration form turned in to the Wave on Monday/Tuesday, and the total's going to be big enough that it'd be great to have the money in hand when the order is placed.  As always, the troop can pay for a girl's ticket/registration if the girl wants to go and it would be tough for the family financially.  
Here's who I have on the list, and for which choice (game only, lock in/movie until midnight, or overnight until 8 AM).  Remember, this'll be the January 30th game that starts at 6:05 PM.  There's still time to register, or change your choice of what parts ou want to attend.

Isabel and Family 3xGame Only
Hannah and Family 4xGame Only
Katie and Mom 2xGame Only
Evie and Dad 2xOvernight      
Lauren P.  1xOvernight
Elli C. 4xLock In
Megha M.  1xOvernight
Alyssa 5xLock In

Need Info:
Lara E. 3xGame or Lock In $____   
Lilly P.  3x_______    

6)  Finally, the Taste the Future event at Discovery World.  I see Hannah S., Megha, Evie, and Alison signed up so far at ebiz ( ) If you want to register, please sign up there.  If you have PAC's earned from Cookie or Nut sales, that's where you have to register to use them.  If there are fees left over, and you need the troop to help pay, we'll reimburse you the difference.  The Discovery World sleepovers are pretty fun, and this one should be a new experience for the girls (it's brand new this year!) Registration on ebiz is closing soon, so hurry!  Parents can sign up too if you want to be there for/with your scout.

December 18-19 Taste the Future Overnight Event 7:00PM 12/18- 7:00AM 12/19
$35/Scout, $10/Adult
Discovery World Museum
Come experience Discovery World's interactive exhibits after dark!  Enjoy spending time at Discovery World, and then participate in a hands-on lab exploring your taste buds and learning about innovations meant to fool your senses.  End the night watching a movie in our theatres wake up to a sunrise over Lake Michigan.

7)  2015 Nursing Home Visits.  Last year the massive flu outbreak forced us to cancel our visit to the Elizabeth Manor nursing home.  SO, let's cross our fingers for a healthy 2015!  Ms. Kelly has set up a couple days to visit this year to play games, do crafts, and generally provide an enriching experience for everyone involved.  We're wrapping up a couple details, but expect a sign up for that to come out in the next day or two!

That's about all,

See you back at school!


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