Monday, November 9, 2015

Girl Scouts: Raingutter Boats on the way, PLUS Discovery World Friday PLUS meeting question

Hello everyone!

2 Quickies:

1)  I have Raingutter Regatta boat kits!  I'll be sending them home over the next couple of days through school.  Here's who I have signed up, but I have an extra boat so I don't know if I'm missing someone, or just a bad counter.  If you signed up but aren't on this list, let me know! (Also, I'm not sure whether Mrs. Roberts sent Ava's boat through her troop or through ours, so Leah, let me know!)

Olivia Kr.
Lilly P.

2)  Discovery World Junior Detectives this Friday.  I've included the permission slip (filled in this time!) so you can fill in the parent parts and email it back or bring it with your scout on Friday.  We'll meet up at our house at 5:00 (A little change there--it's not 5:15!) with the aim of getting there by 6:00 when the lab starts.  At the moment, we're still short by 2 car spaces, so if you can drive that would be great!  Unlike our previous trips this year, drivers won't be drafted into doing anything extra when we're at the event.  This one is all done by Discovery World; grown ups get to sit back and enjoy the show.

Also, if anyone's planning on cancelling, don't wait to the last minute!  There is a girl on a "waiting list" if a spot opens up.

Here are the drivers I'm relying on:
Mrs. Amenda
Mr. Fronek
Mr. Connor
Mrs. Randow
One more!

3)  A quick meeting request:  Does anyone else have a plug-in griddle they could bring to the meeting?  Since we're cooking simple meals, having the extra room for the girls to spread out a bit would be incredibly useful.  (Don't forget for each girl to bring a microwaveable coffee mug too!)

4)  Finally, I know we have a lot of talent in this group, and a lot of connections.  In addition to what we're doing this meeting--cooking--I'd love it if a professional chef would be able to visit our girls and share their expertise.  Does anyone know anyone who would be available after school for the three meeting days in December (December 3rd, 9th, and 16th)?  (Or any of the meeting days in December?  If we can get multiple speakers, we can share the days.)

Thanks everyone, Happy Scouting!


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